Is Possibly The Hemorrhoid Banding Treatment Harmless In The End?

15th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The fact that more and more people are opting for the hemorrhoid banding operation is showing its increasing popularity. If this hemorrhoids banding operation is not done to the exact specifications then there can be big time complications and the operation can actually cause more harm than good.

A word of warning please do not buy a hemorrhoid banding without seriously going through your research and looking at every alternative to surgical procedures.

Where Did Hemorrhoid Banding Come From?
460 BC was about the time we first heard about this whole idea called hemorrhoid banding. It was Hippocrates who first wrote about the hemorrhoid banding as a technique to treat enlarged hemorrhoids. Around the 19th century hemorrhoid banding started gaining in popularity amongst regular people. As you can imagine hemorrhoid banding back in the day was extremely painful because of their lack of high doses of anesthesia.

Yet again when you are wanting to have the hemorrhoid banding procedure, just be sure you find effective and safe treatment options for them.

How Does Hemorrhoid Banding Get Results?
Hemorrhoid banding is about banding the inflamed hemorrhoids until blood flow to the affected area is stopped. After about 2 weeks the inflamed flesh will be dead and eventually fall off.

Hemorrhoid Banding Procedure:

1. Medications you need to take before the hemorrhoid banding procedure.
A patient must not take any drugs that can cause bleeding before the hemorrhoid banding is done.

Yet again when you are wanting to home cures for hemorrhoids just be sure you find effective and safe treatment options for them.

2. Enema
In order to make sure that the surgery goes well and is clean, most doctors will perform a quick enema before starting the hemorrhoid banding operation to make sure the lower colon is free from feces and defecation does not occur during the operation.

3. Your Body Position During The Hemorrhoid Banding Procedure.
The way most doctors like the patient to be positioned for the hemorrhoid banding procedure is to lie on your left side with your knees bent on top of one another towards your chin.

4. How The Band Is Applied:
A proctoscope is inserted in the anus to look for the enlarged hemorrhoids. After the doctor spots the enlarged hemorrhoids he’ll use a ligator to take a hold of these hemorrhoids. Once the doctor has a firm grasp of these hemorrhoids, he’ll apply the band to the outside of them.

The physician might (if necessary) apply two bands to the hemorrhoids in order to make sure one does not end up breaking and also to make sure that all the blood supply is cut off.

If you have a very sharp pain post op, then you might have had the wrong techniques applied during the actual procedure itself. Often times the bands just need to be reapplied and adjusted slightly.

Hemorrhoid Banding: Is The Success Rate Any Good?
Studies now are showing that hemorrhoid banding can be effective in helping get rid of the hemorrhoids that are now on your body but they won’t ensure that hemorrhoids won’t come back. Studies have indicated that about 60% of patients were happy with the results they received.

Want to make sure that you make the right decision about the hemorrhoid banding procedure? Visit the link below or inside this article for more information pertaining to your particular situation.

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