Being Happy: The Best Remedy For Aging

14th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As they say, the best medicine is laughter. It increases endorphins by 27 percent and HGH by 87 percent basing on a research. People had laughed their way through life if only they have a choice. But in reality, things don’t work that way. Many things may occur and at times these change us. It is so difficult to act that your happy if you have a problem. All of the studies that had been established which dedicated to stress had found out that your health can be influenced on how you react to anxiety. Also, altering your outlook and being more positive about life can help you live more years and have a better life.

Your mentality and body are enlaced directly. You have the tendency to let go of your body and will no longer mind your health once you are always fed-up and down. Stress in itself is not the problem here. Your attitude is your greater opponent for the reason that it is how you behave that will wreck you up. You fling out, guzzle alcohol, fall back to drugs and do carefree things that you can think of. If you want a healthy life, try not to lose hope and just give in to depression. Constantly feeling low can lead medical problems such as anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, headache, ulcers, and heart problems.

Your immune system can be worn down by being a serial pessimist. In the end, you will turn out to be a type of person who people dislikes or fear. You will also encounter a number of health issues other than being irritable. Doctors discovered that an increase level of cortisol are found with people who are frequently suffering from stress. A lot of the chronic diseases that you may encounter as you come to age is interrelated with this hormone. You may prepare for a second-rate life if you always let yourself get easily bothered with even the smallest things.

There are also other solutions for anti aging if you find staying positive a little too difficult. What is best is to talk to an expert, a person who can help you deal with your issues. Always give importance to your body. Having someone who can guide you can help you avert from breaking down. You should realize the worth of having a person whom you can rely on in times when you are down. Social interactions are not only enjoyable, they are also very essential to maintain your mental health in check. Have comfort from the people whom you can count on. This actually does relieve your doubts and make your weight feel much lighter. They will give you a chance to air out your deepest concerns and sometimes that could even be enough to make you feel better.

Be aware that you can always run to someone when things are very difficult to cope with. Turn to be more spiritual by looking within yourself. Having faith to a higher power will make you realize that out there, there is always someone just looking at you. Each person is entitled of happiness. The best natural anti-aging is being happy. Life was meant to be lived to the highest level. Just because fate hasn’t dealt you the right cards yet you should not immediately lose hope. You must be more watchful on what you do as you are getting older. Knowing for certain that in the end of every path will always get better is a great way to grow old pleasantly. When you get up each and everyday with new vitality, you will soon realize that there is always an exit to each loophole.

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