Remedies for Psoriasis

13th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You can find out if you have psoriasis, as your skin will exhibit rough, red, scaly patches. It is unclear as to whether psoriasis is an allergy or infection of the skin. In addition to the physical discomfort of psoriasis, the sufferer also becomes very self-conscious of the condition. In some severe cases, the person ends up wearing clothing that completely covers their body to hide the affected areas.

There are lots of psoriasis remedies that one can follow in order to cure themselves of this problem. The following is a list of different soothing measures you can take to help calm or even cure the psoriasis.

1. Re-hydration with direct water treatments is highly recommended. A shower, swim or relaxing in the bath tub can help in many ways such as reduce itching, reduce redness, soften the scales and in removing them. Always remember that hot water can aggravate your condition by increasing the itching, so keep the water luke warm.
2. Prolonged soaking in a bath will remove the oils from your skin, so post bath lotions will become necessary to replenish the moisture. Make sure using a lotion or cream after your bath to help replenish the moisture in your skin, and help sooth the psoriasis.
3. Pay close attention to the type you choose. Some soaps are harsh and can further dry out your skin. Choosing a mild soap with a moisturizing base would be your best choice.
4. Keeping the air in your house humid may help. It is recommended that you keep a simple humidifier in your room.
5. Certain medications, like beta-blockers, lithium, and anti-malarials can worsen a case of psoriasis. Whenever you visit a doctor for any problem, let him know that you are suffering from psoriasis so that he can be careful in writing your prescription.
6. Any type of external irritation, such as sunburns, scratching, or rough clothing will aggravate the psoriasis.
7. Psoriasis causes more problem when you are overweight, so it is very important that you lose weight in order to be comfortable.
8. Many common infections, such as strep, can trigger psoriasis and should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. If you are suffering from fever or sore throat, be sure that you see your doctor right away.

As of now, psoriasis has no proper treatments, its just these psoriasis remedies and natural cures that will help you in relieving yourself from this problem.

You can also visit the following sites for more advice:
Home Remedy For Psoriasis
Hemorrhoids Treatment

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Posted on: October 13, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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