Is Colon Cleansing A Fraud

8th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are numerous folks who are involved with their overall health, leading them to pinpoint numerous factors that they suspect play a role in causing ill health.

One of those elements concern regularity and the colons role in removing toxic wastes from the body. The theory of autointoxication points toward toxins formed in the bowel ( also referred to as the big intestine ) by layers of toughened feces that build up for months and even years on end. Are Colon Cleansing Products Legitimate

These layers are said to block the elimination of wastes and the assimilation of nutriments. Colon cleansing is said to help detoxify the body by removing built-up waste from the large intestine through either special pills that are taken orally or enemas that are sometimes self-administered.

The whole idea of colon cleansing has been built on centuries of falsely-held sentiments about the best way to properly care for the body. Traditional Egyptians used enemas and purgatives often based upon fears that feces would rot their system.

throughout the centuries, folk have pointed to the colon as a source of diseases and other maladies. However , the small intestines plays a larger role in the assimilation of nutriments and overall digestion, while the colons role is to just transport wastes and absorb minerals and water.

Does this imply that the entire idea of colon cleansing is a scam? For one thing, most doctors agree that colon cleansing is, for the most part, nonessential when it comes down to keeping the body well-regulated, since the intestinal tract performs this function naturally well. On the other hand, some doctors may advocate colon cleansing as preparation for a medical investigation of the colon.

Any colon cleansing beyond this scope isn’t advised, and it could even be dangerous. Colon cleansing can disrupt the bodys delicate fluid and electrolyte disequilibrium, leading to dehydration and other possible health hazards.

Excessive or long-term colon cleansing may cause more serious hazards, including a distended colon, starvation and a developed reliance on enemas and pills to facilitate defecation to heart problems and cardiac arrest.


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Posted on: October 8, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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