Trying to find a UK Electric Bed? Here’s an Informative FAQ

30th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Q. What’s an electric bed?

A. A UK electric bed is actually a bed in which the positioning can be altered by utilizing an electric hand control, parallel to the type of bed you find inside a hospital. The head and foot can be autonomously operated to provide a customised placement that could aid to ease the discomfort of muscle and also bone aches and pains.

Q. How precisely does an electric bed perform?

A. An electric bed has a series of motors placed inside the frame, normally as many as four. This makes it possible for the individual to set any one of more than 1000 attainable positions for head, torso, upper legs and lower legs. Although most adjustable beds adjust only the placement of the mattress, some distinctive versions enable the individual to adjust the height as too. This makes it pretty easy to exit and enter this bed.

Electric Bed UK – Q. Wouldn’t electric beds have to use a large amount of electricity?

A. No. The motors inside the bed are very energy efficient and need the smallest amount feasible of electricity to adjust the mattress placement or bed height.

Q. Wouldn’t electric beds need particular wiring and have particular power demands?

A. No. Electric beds use regular household electric power. For basic safety, the motors are entirely insulated.

Q. Can an electric bed have space for two users?

A. Yes. You can find double versions which have two totally independent frames that enable each occupant to adjust their side of the bed as desired. One person can be lying down while the other sits up to read or watch television.

Electric Bed UK – Q. Is there a substitute to an modifiable height electric bed?

A. Yes. It’s achievable to make use of a power lifter that is equipped with a scissors-type lift to elevate and lower the bed.

Q. Does an electric bed use unwieldy cables?

A. Some versions do, but the best beds use a layout where the performing system is entirely contained inside the frame and is not detectible.

Q. Does an electric bed come with a remote control?

A. Yes. Some versions come with a traditional wired remote, although the most superior electric beds are managed by way of wireless infra-red remote control.

Q. Is there an electric bed style for those with serious mobility problems?

A. Yes. A lot of sorts of mobility troubles can be resolved by means of a modified electric bed.

Electric Bed UK – Q. What kind of mattress is used on an electric bed?

A. Electric beds need a particular kind of mattress that is specifically made to flex into the various poses of the bed. Mattresses are built from either the favoured memory foam, reflex foam or customised pocket sprung designs.

Q. Isn’t memory foam hot and uncomfortable?

A. Memory foam heats up only to your body temperature. For added ease and comfort, some people utilize a washable cover in addition to a particular absorbent pad which is also washable.

Q. What about the guarantee?

A. A lot of memory foam mattresses incorporate a 5-year guarantee.

When searching for a UK electric bed, it pays to comprehend how they perform, what their features are along with the particulars of the service contract or warranty.

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