How to Stop Tinnitus – Helpful Information and Tips

28th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

All range of ages may be affected with tinnitus, but this is most common in older people. Like pain, tinnitus is a symptom that must be assessed carefully, as history must also be evaluated if in any way, it caused the symptoms. At most cases, tinnitus happens spontaneously. Of how to stop tinnitus, this has been studied in ancient times during the reign or Babylonian, Greek and Chinese empires. But in modern ages, with the life expectancy and aging population and noise pollution, people with this condition also increases.

Here are some treatment approaches of how to stop tinnitus. First we need is reassurance. Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying problem I the body like a brain tumor or the start of deafness. If there is none associated, then we might have to reevaluate for modifiable factors. This could be medication that triggers tinnitus such as aspirin, NSAIDS and quinine. If these drugs could be stopped, then it would be better. To some individuals who take alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, getting poor sleep and elevated stress, and advice of reduction or cessation should be provided.

An excessive noise can trigger tinnitus. On the other hand, too little environmental sound or silence can make tinnitus noticeable. To address this problem, a person could use white noise machines, and specialized tapes or compact discs that are designed to provide relief. Using wearable masking technologies is another way of how to stop tinnitus. Hearing aids may be among that could be used when clinical hearing loss is present. Masking technology can only be effective while worn. It is recommended that a trained audiologist would fit the masking device. Hindrance of using this technology would be unwillingness and cost of this technology.

Hypnosis, cognitive therapy and biofeedback are behavioral and combined therapies that can help individuals with tinnitus. But it lacks definitive studies. A neurophysiolgic approach called Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is another way of how to stop tinnitus. This uses a combination of low-level sound with cognitive therapy. Still lacking with definitive outcome studies, specialized centers reported 75 % of success rate in catering severe tinnitus treatment. There have also been trials made to a variety of pharmacologic and complementary strategies including: anti-depressants, neuromodulators, dietary supplements, herbal medications, homeopathy, naturopathy, aromatherapy, craniosacral therapy, chiropractic manipulator, low-doe laser, ultra quiet ultrasonic therapy and low- dose electrical stimulation.

Here’s some home treatment of how to stop tinnitus. Limit or avoid exposure to loud noises. Limitations of taking in aspirins, products which may contain it and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs must be made known. Alcohol and nicotine must also be ceased.

Exercise improves blood flow to the ear’s structure which can stop tinnitus. Relaxation techniques are god. This includes biofeedback, meditation or yoga. Rest and good sleep are beneficial. During sleeping hours, play music or white noise. To some, they claim that herbal supplements such as gingko biloba give them relief. There have been studies that show a tinnitus relief but other study doesn’t show its benefit.

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