Pleural Mesothelioma Prognosis and Options

26th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Pleural Mesothelioma is a form of cancer, which can be caused generally by direct exposure to asbestos, that strikes the various layers of the pleura about the chest wall. A few warning signs consist of shortness of breath and losing weight. But, exposure to asbestos does not always cause cancer. Treatments for it and why it has an effect on a few individuals but not others is constantly being investigated.

X-rays in most cases determine the medical diagnosis of Pleural Mesothelioma then the patient will be sent to a medical oncologist. The oncologist is going to ascertain exactly what stage the individual is in as well as propose treatments. Much like other types of cancer there are 4 stages. Finding a Pleural Mesothelioma prognosis is difficult because every circumstance is dependent upon the patient’s unique health and stage they are in.

When just the outermost layer of the pleura around the chest wall or diaphragm is impacted by Pleural Mesothelioma it will be referred to as “stage 1.” With this stage the oncologist may propose radiation therapies. If the oncologist makes reference to it as “stage 1b” that could indicate it may have also extended to interior layer, nearer to the lungs, although still simply impacting one side of the sufferer’s chest.

Stage 2 of Pleural Mesothelioma could mean it has spread through the two layers of the pleura as well as created a mass or tumor. With this stage the physician might encourage surgery to take out the tumor and also advise the surgery be accompanied by a series of radiation or chemotherapy treatments.

In the event this has contacted the wall covering the peracardium, this is regarded as “stage three.” There is nevertheless the chance for surgical removing of the impacted cells. Stage three may also imply the problem has spread to the lymph nodes on the one afflicted side. At this time radiation or chemotherapy may also be proposed.

If it has spread to the other side of the chest wall, and/or the lymph nodes on the other side, as well as to various other areas of the overall body this is viewed as “stage four.” At this time there are just too many areas affected to safely and effectively remove all of it through surgery.

Despite the fact that in most cases the Pleural Mesothelioma prognosis is very poor, many people diagnosed with it have lived a lot longer than predicted. If the oncologist is not able to offer traditional treatment options he or she may possibly send the individual for one of many medical trials that can be found.

Besides Mesothelioma that has an effect on the pleura there is other types of cancer that attacks the cellular lining that protects many bodily organs. Study is continuously being engaged in to discover new therapies and advancements to current treatments. Much like most cancer, quick medical diagnosis is essential. Under no circumstances give up hope if you or a friend is diagnosed with this disease. Persist to do your own research.

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