What’s The Reason For The Upsurge In The Popularity Of Fitflops?

20th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A lot of celebrities have been seen wearing Fitflops toning shoes recently. Julianne Moore, Chelsea Clinton and even Jennifer Lopez have been spotted wearing them. As a matter of fact, J. Lo even wrote a blog post about them. So why are Fitflops so appealling?

The sole of Fitflops incorporates something which they have dubbed “microwobbleboard” technology which reproduces the sensation of walking barefoot on soft ground and stimulates the lower body muscles. Walking whilst wearing Fitflops will cause your buttock muscles to be used for as much as 30% longer, your quadriceps for up to 19% longer and your hamstrings for 16% more time. There is also 22% more shock absorption than when walking in normal fitness shoes.

You can reduce the amount of force exerted upon your joints while walking by wearing Fitflops. It can also help to lower underfoot pressure on the toe and heel – which will help to minimize discomfort caused by heel spurs and plantar fasciitis. But the main selling point for a lot of users is the fact that the extra work carried out by the lower body muscles when walking in Fitflops will help to tone up your legs and trim down your bottom.

You can see why all those busy celebrities like them. If you don’t have time to get to the gym, then spending the day walking around in Fitflops can help you to stay in shape.

Another reason why Fitflops are so popular is that they are very colourful and stylish. They don’t look anything like exercise shoes. They began life as a range of flip flop style sandals but, due to customer demand – additional styles were introduced. Clogs, slippers and winter boots were added – very sensible, flip flops are hardly ideal for winter wear! Fitflops latest addition to their range is sneakers – once again, very bright and trendy (how does platinum sound to you?) and very fashionable. They look like being a very popular choice this season.

Fitflops are far from the only toning shoes that you can find on the market. Reebok Easy Tones, Masai Barefoot Technology and Skechers Shape Ups are just a few of the other brands competing. However, not many of these have the fashion appeal of Fitflops – and the majority of them cost quite a bit more. The next time that you feel like treating yourself to a new pair of shoes, you might want to consider a pair of Fitfllops. You could consider any trimming and toning results as a bonus.

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