Basic Things Of Down Syndrome

13th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Down syndrome is one of the common chromosomal abnormalities in the world. It was discovered by John Langdon Down in 1866 after observing few children who share the same characteristics. There are many characteristics of this genetic disorder.

Obviously, we can easily observe the Down syndrome child via their physical features. They almost look alike. This syndrome was described as “Mongoloids” before this. Yet, this sounds like an insult to the Mongolians. Thus, the “Mongoloids” was never used in scientific dictionary since 1960s.

One of the most common features is the mental retardation. However, it depends to the severity of the symptoms. Some of them cannot speak. It is hard for them to learn. They need a lot of time to learn the things such as walking, talking, dressing and breast feeding. There are some school that specifically designed for the Down syndrome child now. You can just join the group with some simple clicks online.

Another common symptom is the poor development. The child cannot grow normally. We can easily recognize them with the small ears, head and eyes. Sometimes, we can see the upturned nose and flat facial features with them too. The malformations will cause some medical problems too. The medicine can help to reduce some of the symptoms effectively.

Besides, some of the Down syndrome has the symptom of hypogonadism. Generally, this only happen on the males. Thus, the males are usually reproductive failure. However, the females’ menarche occurs at normal time. Females can pregnant.

Furthermore, there are many others medical problems that children with this chromosomal disorder may encounter. Usually, the Down syndrome patients are born with heart diseases. They are easy to get cancer than the normal children. Some of them are born with hearing impairment and poor vision too.

There are many hypotheses explaining the causes of Down syndrome. There is an extra chromosome 21 for the Down syndrome baby. This is because of the non-disjunction occurred during the sperm or ovum formation. Yet, it is related to the age of parents too. The increase of parental age will increase the risk of having a Down syndrome child. Many reports show that parents who are 35 years old above are in risk of having the child with this disease.

Finally, raising a Down syndrome child is hard. And I believe your love to the baby will overcome everything. Many parents of Down syndrome children would not wish to change a thing for bringing up their unique child even though they are given choice. For them, this is the great things to have such children.

You may find out more about Down syndrome in Down Syndrome review and Down Syndrome Features.

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