How To Lose Weight Faster – Techniques For More Successful Results

12th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It seems so simple. The key to how to lose belly fat is to simply eat less food energy than the body needs to run each day. But people and their lives are a lot more complicated. The busy and activity packed lifestyles of people today do not give them the time to spend hours in the gym and hours cooking nutritious meals.

Diets that contain very few calories, often less than 1,000 per day, tend to be a bad idea. They sound great in theory, but in practice they panic the body, sending it into famine mode where it tries to hoard resources. If too few calories are consumed each day, the body will slow down and consume muscle tissue to save energy.

Fad diets and diets that restrict one particular food group are also a bad idea. The main way that they work is that a person has little choice in the foods that they can eat so they get bored and so eat less. Unfortunately these diets often mean that a full range of nutrients is not eaten. Missing out on a nutrient for a day or two will not harm a person, but over a longer term a body needs a variety of different foods.

A good diet for fat loss will be based on plenty of vegetables and fruits that are as fresh as possible. Small amounts for nuts, daily and lean protein are then added, and the diet finished off with whole grains. A diet of this type will ensure that all the necessary vitamins, minerals and micro nutrients are supplied, and enough fiber is eaten to maintain digestive efficiency and health.

The best type of exercise to promote losing fat is resistance or weight training. This helps in two ways. When the muscles are worked properly, they will not be cannibalized for energy, as the body will realize that it needs them. In addition, muscle mass is more metabolically active (takes more fuel to run each day) so the metabolism will be boosted by the exercise itself and by the muscle gain it causes.

Cardiovascular work is also a good idea for people who want to lose fat. It doesn’t have to be hours spent on a treadmill, the best cardio work outs are based on interval training. Working at a high intensity for a short time, then spending time working in a more gentle way to recover and repeating this pattern a few times helps make this process efficient. An example would be sports like soccer or something similar.

Something else to include in a fitness routine is some yoga. No one is quite sure why it can help weight loss – although there are plenty of theories! But it is defiantly helpful, and it is beneficial for overall health including flexibility and muscle strength. It can also help to tone the body and improve posture. All of these things will make a person look great.

There are no magic pills or quick fixes when someone wants to know how to lose belly fat in a sustainable way. But following a good diet and exercise program will mean that fat burning is efficient and healthy.

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