Blue Stilton Cheese: A Fortunate Discovery

11th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Blue Stilton Cheese is one delicious cheese referred to as the King of British Cheeses because of its versatile taste complementing several flavors and recipes. Best paired with red wine, this British blue boasts of a rich and strong flavor.

Blue Stilton cheese is easily identified because of its unique characteristic the blue-green veins running from the core of the wheel, out. Although usually made from pasteurized cow’s milk, it can also be made from sheep’s or goat’s milk that inspires a strong stir among tasters. So people either recommend it, or discourage it.

Actually, blue cheeses like the Stilton are commonly thought to have been made by accident. The story goes that an unfortunate cheese maker left a half-eaten chunk of rye in the cheese caves. Returning to the caves after a few weeks or months, the cheese maker found that the molds on the bread also settled on the cheese. The daring cheese maker tasted the cheese infested with mold, and instead of tossing it, blue cheese was born.

Stilton is a creamy blue cheese marbled with rich blue veins whose rich flavor mellows with additional aging. Its sharp after taste complements a wide range of tastes. Stilton cheese is not pressed, so it is crumbly and flaky, perfect for salads, pastas, and pizzas. Stilton is sometimes found on desert platter with its creamy taste adding to the variety of flavors.

Stilton cheese is one of the very few protected origin cheeses that is made from pasteurized milk. The milk is heated and added with rennet, for curdling. It is then stirred with the mold in, while making sure that the mold is evenly distributed in the cheese. The interesting part of making Stilton cheese is this metal rods are inserted at random points all throughout, allowing air to penetrate. The rods are left in the cheese until it begins to grow mold from the bacteria.

It is part of the British tradition to serve Blue Stilton during Christmas, and often chased with a rich red wine. moment where the pungent blue mold and salty cheese crystals meet the delicious port with all its sweet and fruity goodness is simply incomprehensible. Blue Stilton’s unique kick offsets the sweet Port, while the wine tones down the strong blue making it less powerful and more tamed to the tongue.

If not for that happy accident, we would never be able to experience a delicious cheese by the fire during the cold season. Especially ideal for the holidays, Blue Stilton Cheese can definitely warm the cockles of your heart. But if Christmas is just too far off, make everyday a holiday by getting Blue Stilton Cheese today! Go buy it at your nearest cheese store.

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