How To Care For Your Child’s Teeth From His Early Years

4th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Dental health is the key of overall human health. Since, everything we consume has to pass through our mouth first, oral cleanliness is extremely important to ensure a hygienic diet. Apart from all the health issues related to our teeth, they also are a very significant element of our physical look. Perfectly aligned teeth increase the beauty of someones smile and leaves a strong impression. Even if someone lacks that, Cincinnati orthodontics can be of much assistance. Yet, Cincinnati Braces might only help with visual issues not the internal strength and health of teeth.

What helps in having strong and healthy teeth is right and daily dental care. This care should be taken from the starting years of childhood. Therefore, it is up to parents to make sure that their young ones grows up with perfectly strong teeth. There are many things parents can do about it, but it is crucial to understand a child’s teeth and the probable problems that can affect them.

The very first teeth a child develops are known as milk teeth. Usually there are twenty milk teeth, and all twenty are developed by the age of four. They eventually start to fall out and when you are twelve, most kids start erupting their permanent teeth. Using regular care and cleanliness habits employed for teeth play a very crucial role in the development of permanent teeth.

Cavities, tooth decay and erosion are a some of the most common problems that can affect the dental health of a child. Bacteria are naturally present in our mouth. These bacteria feed on sugar in our food, which turns into acid. This acid can damage the outer enamel of a tooth and leave it prone to decay. If this decay is not taken care properly, it travels to the root of the tooth and causes toothache. The acid found in frizzy drinks and juices takes away the tooth enamel which leaves teeth fragile and sensitive. This is called erosion. Since it can not be treated, avoiding it is the best way to go. Parents can do a lot to protect their little ones from such problems. Primarily, regular visits to the dentist are extremely important so that any problem can tackled earlier. Yet, the most important factor is the care and effort you put in this aspect.

As described earlier, the major reason behind most common problems is food and diet. Avoid giving too many sugary foods to your child, particularly processed food. Sugar present in natural vegetables, fruit and milk is harmless. In fact, dairy products and vegetable with a good Vitamin D content are excellent for kids. Teaching them adequate and regular brushing habit can really help in ensuring strong healthy teeth. Make them clean with a soft bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste under your supervision. Fluoride helps in proecting the enamel, thus allowing them to be strong and protected. If your kid’s permanent teeth start to grow in a strange manner, consult a dentist prior being. Your child might always smile and be thankful to you for this.

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