How To Handle Causes Of Acid Reflux

31st August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Heartburn or acid reflux is an avoidable disorder. Acid reflux is the name given to what happens when your stomach isn’t able to contain its acid and some of it gets sent up into your esophagus and throat. Sometimes the condition can be medical related. Frequently however this condition is caused by something you’ve done such as eating habits. Continue on reading this article to find ways to prevent these causes.

Are you in the habit of eating meals or snack foods right before going to sleep? We’ve all been told that this is not a good idea. Think about it: how often have you been told that snacking near bedtime is bad for your health? Most people have gotten this advice since they were children. It turns out that this is true! Eating right before sleeping, you have an increased chance of suffering from acid reflux.

When you lie down, you make it difficult for your body to prevent your stomach acid from leaving your stomach, and this can give you acid reflux symptoms. Make sure you allow your food to settle in your stomach before going to sleep. You will feel better this way. Women who are pregnant can also suffer from acid reflux. What happens in this case is that the fetus pushes against the abdomen due to hormonal imbalances. For pregnant women, the last three months of their pregnancy is usually when they experience the worst acid reflux symptoms. This is a case where there really isn’t anything that can be done about acid reflux while you are still pregnant. Luckily, this type of acid reflux does not usually last beyond pregnancy, so it should vanish once your baby is born. You can always remind your child of all this pain he or she caused you later on.

Acid reflux can even be caused by certain exercises.

Exercises that target the abdominal wall are the kind usually associated with acid reflux problems. This type of exercise, if done too strenuously, can have the effect of pushing stomach acid into the esophagus, which can cause these symptoms. Don’t use this as an excuse to quit your exercise program! All it means is that you should not overdo it when you exercise your stomach and abdomen. Another good idea is to avoid eating for a while before you go to the gym. For more specific ideas on how to exercise without having acid reflux attacks, you may want to ask your doctor or personal trainer at the gym for advice. Acid reflux is an extremely uncomfortable condition. Even if it doesn’t prevent you from engaging in most activities, it can make you miserable when it strikes. In general, only the worst attacks seriously impact your everyday life, but this is enough. Thankfully you can do quite a lot to cut down on the acid reflux causes in your life. A few are discussed in this article.

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Posted on: August 31, 2010

Filed under: Healthy Recipes

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