How I Dropped My Baby Weight Fast With Raspberry Ketone

29th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Me and my husband did a ton of research on raspberry ketones for losing my post baby pounds, where to buy raspberry ketones, natural weight loss, weight loss supplements, etc. and found a lot of really good information (and some bad), which is why we like the raspberry ketones from Halison Health. So, how did they work for me . . .

Click Here For Raspberry Ketones Review Video

First, what we learned: SUPER IMPORTANT!!! Make sure they come with a real satisfaction guarantee. If you buy on Amazon you know for sure that you can return it. Plus, I just feel better purchasing from Amazon. That’s a big deal for me.

I first learned of raspberry ketone when I saw Dr. Oz talk about them on TV. He even called it something such as, the number one way to burn fat, in a bottle. I was still pretty heavy from my pregnancy at that time and was trying to diet to lose my baby weight. So, to hear that from Dr. Oz really meant a lot to me.

My Story: I was looking for something to help me lose my baby. I really didn’t want to take any drugs. I wanted to lose weight naturally without side effects. Not that I am totally opposed to drugs. But, I only would use something like that if it was a last resort.

A friend of mine had twins about a year before I had Emma, and she told me that she took raspberry ketone to help lose her pregnancy weight. In fact, she’s the one who told me about the Halison Health brand. She started taking it right after she stopped nursing. As soon as she started taking it, she was less hungry. She just didn’t feel like eating. The fact that it was an appetite suppressant probably made a big difference. She had about forty five lbs to lose. At first she was losing weight fast, like 4 or 5 lbs a week. But, then it slowed down to like two or 3 pounds. But, still she was losing weight. She was exercising. I’m sure that had something to do with it. But, she was exercising before the raspberry ketones and was not really getting anywhere.

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