Heal Your Broken Heart – Getting Your Ex Back After You’ve Dumped Him

27th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

So you’ve finally did it, you’ve dumped your ex. Did you make a mistake? Do you want to get back together and mend your broken heart? You may want to get him back after breaking up with him if you had a close, loving relationship. You may have discovered that you had a lot invested emotionally in the relationship and decided to give it another try.

First of all, you need to analyze your own feelings. Do you still care deeply about your ex? Or are you feeling lonely and scared since you are now single? Sometimes the passion you are feeling can be confused with the comfort you once felt when you were together. These feelings you have of suddenly wanting your ex back maybe coming from having to face things alone where you once did things together. But being comfortable does not mean you have a great relationship. There has to be a great love and respect. If you really do still love your old boyfriend, then you need to try the next step and get him back.

And examining how he feels about you is that next step. Is he hurt by what you did, are you scared he may reject you? Or does he have the same great love for you? If the problems in the relationship were things you can work on, such as communication, time management, or goal awareness, then you can win your ex back. But, if you broke up because you no longer felt in love with him, you should just stop now and move on. Sometimes we mistaken the loneliness we feel after a breakup for the love we think we have for our ex.

You can begin to work on the things that can bring you back together if you have determined that you are still in love and he is your soul mate. If you think back to who you were when you first got together, how different are you now? Have you gain a bit of weight? Were you much more independent?

After you spend time as a couple, you both begin to change. You both begin to demand more time with each other and you spend less and less time with your friends or on other things you use to love. You both also may have let yourselves go because you feel secure in each other’s affection.

You need to show your ex that you are still the same person he fell in love with in the first place, if you want to win him back.

Another tip to how to win your ex back is to practice detachment but also give him the sense that you are still interested and miss him. Don’t call, text, or stalk him. You don’t want to appear desperate.|To avoiding looking desperate, don’t call or text him and also don’t stalk him!|You must avoid texting him, calling him or stalking him, you don’t want to look desperate and make him run the other way.} It’s ok to send a casual text or phone call to show him you still care, but to win him back you need to let off the pressure. By giving him a piece of the person he fell in love with you’ll actually become more desirable to him and you will slowly build the trust up again.

In practicing detachment, you also begin to focus on what makes you happy. You’ll begin to take up hobbies and things you’ve always wanted to do as well as getting reconnected with your friends and family. Regardless in the process you’ll end up being more positive. You will be able to win him back once he sees the more confident you and he’ll begin to trust you again.

When you do get together with your ex from time to time, use the past to your advantage. Like if there was an outfit he loved, then wear it. Or a restaurant you both loved, let him know you were just there. To win him back use your past history, bring up the positive times you had him.

Ask him to come to casual events from time to time. Invite him to a party or to join your friends at a bar. Let him know he’s still very much part of your life.

Lastly, if you want to mend your broken heart and get back with your ex, just be yourself. Either he’s in love with you enough to trust you again or he isn’t. You shouldn’t change who you are to win him back, you should only be yourself.

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