How To Build A Better Life

26th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It seems as if there is always a new report that tells you to eliminate things from your diet. Eliminating things from your diet is a lifelong process it seems. Salt, fat, carbohydrates, and high fructose corn syrup are all reported as being poison, especially if too much of these items is eaten. Even fruit and milk are sometimes viewed as bad if eaten too frequently or from a dairy that uses steroids on their cows. In addition to foods you should not eat they are also told to give up cigarettes, television, drinking, and a plethora of other indulgences. What people fail to realize is that adding certain things to your life can be a healthy practice too. In some cases, adding stuff is even healthier. Exercise is an example of this. Adding sufficient physical activity into your daily life will lengthen your life and prevent numerous health problems. It can be tough finding motivation and time for exercise. Contact a Seattle personal trainer or Seattle gym if you are ready to commit to adding exercise to your schedule.

Exercise may seem like a lot of work and require you to really put your nose to the grind, but some things you can add to your life that will improve your health and well-being, and they will not feel like work. Meditation is an example of this. Spending 20 minutes in a meditative state each day, clearing your mind of all its burdens can change the entire path of your day. Some people meditate upon waking up. The peaceful time alone gets them ready to face the day ahead. Others prefer taking time mid-day to regroup and collect their thoughts. And finally, there are people who enjoy meditating at the end of the day. It gives them time to calm their minds before retiring for the day.

Aside from meditation and exercise, massage will make a great addition to anyone’s life. It may seem to some that massage is nothing more than a physical indulgence like eating a piece of cake or taking a nap. The truth is massage has numerous physical and mental health benefits. It helps flush toxins from your body and helps injuries heal faster. Taking the time to have a massage is a healthy reward. Some people believe because it feels so good it cannot possibly be healthy, but it is. It is especially beneficial if you have begun to exercise. Reward yourself for you hard work with massage therapy. Your newly strengthened muscles will thank you for the treat. There are also essential oils that make a massage even more beneficial. While everyone else eliminates bad things from their life, you will be adding in a few good.

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