Coping With The Ringing In Your Ears

25th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What is it like if you are always aware of a buzzing noise in your head? Imagine going to sleep with the TV on to distract you from the noise inside your own head. If you have a condition called tinnitus, this could be what you are dealing with.

Tinnitus is basically a ringing or similar sound in the ears caused by any number of inner ear problems from excess wax, to ear damage due to trauma, or infection in the ear and researchers have described tinnitus as a sensation of a ringing, roaring, or buzzing sound in the ears or head that is often associated with many forms of hearing loss and noise exposure and because there does not seem to be much relief sends people off searching for a tinnitus miracle

For some the condition is marked by a noise that sounds like a siren going off in their head. For others it sound like white noise of a radio in between channels. I have to deal with the lower pitched sound. I don’t hear it every day, and some days are louder than others, and it is usually made worse when I have a cold, or my allergies are bothering me.

Although I am the one who is dealing with this condition, there are others who have to deal with it around me. Why? When I am frustrated by the noise in my head, I am not always nice to the ones I associate with. I find it hard to talk to other people because in order to make my head feel better I have stuffed something into my ears to block out the external noises that aggravate my condition. I think that I have to talk louder to others because I can not hear properly. It leaves me unable to hold conversations. On my worst days it is accompanied by a build up of wax which renders me virtually deaf in one ear. There is a pressure that feels like I am in an airplane and my ear is about to pop. It seems that when my condition is at its worst that I am unable to interact with others even though I let them no that I am not mad at them but am just frustrated with my head.

There are a lot of others who suffer from this condition along with me. Over 50 million Americans have this disorder to some degree. Some of those who are dealing with tinnitus look to their doctor for help, and there is also a large group who can not sleep properly because of the distraction in their head. There are plenty of well known personalities who have said that they are dealing with tinnitus.

The bad news is there is no cure. The good news is there is treatment that will give a person quietness for ringing in ears for at least part of the day and allow them to lead a more normal life that does not center on the suffering a person has because of the tinnitus. If you are suffering from the symptoms, seek the help of a physician who is trained in this area. It is possible that something else is causing it. Treating the other symptoms could bring relief from the buzzing noise. There are also a lot of people who promise that they have the answer and if you give them your credit card they will provide you with a program that will eliminate the noise, but before embarking on one of these treatments try to find a tinnitus miracle review on the internet to see if it has worked for someone else or if it is a big hoax that will just get your hopes up.

The buzzing that you are hearing should not make you hide in a corner for most of your days. There are many things that a person can learn to do that can ease the distraction. You can not cure the problem, yet you should not be known as the person who suffers from tinnitus.

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