The Rationale Behind Harvesting The Umbilical Cord Stem Cell

23rd August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When it comes to selecting a way to bring a brighter tomorrow, you can count on the medical community to do so. With intensive studies and efforts, the medical world has brought to the world treatments for various illnesses through techniques and means that was once unlikely.

And now, another of those means has been discovered – umbilical cord stem cell. Stem cells are basically juvenile cells that are capable of reproducing themselves, and they have the power to be in a position to transform into other categories of cells. There are lots of types and the ones in the umbilical cord are the same as the ones in the bone marrow which are known as hematopoietic progenitor cells ( or HPCs ). Certain sicknesses like leukemia, lymphoma, and sickle cell anemia alongside others can be handled with these HPC stem cells. These HPC cells are injected to them to revive their blood supply with more contemporary, healthy cells.

Since finding a bone marrow donor can be tough and occasionally just about impossible, these umbilical cord stem cell transplants have made it simpler for patients and have saved thousands of lives as of this day. However though umbilical cord stem cell banking may appear too superb to be true, there may be some downsides to this one too.

Noting that both personal and public umbilical cord stem cell blood banks have been developed since the late 1990’s, it is galvanized that folks go for public banks.

Umbilical cord stem cell banked anonymously has a large number of restrictions as a kind of health insurance plan. A drawback of banking your child’s umbilical cord stem cell secretly would be that if your child develops a selected genetic illness, their own umbilical cord stem cell isn’t going to be of any help. His umbilical cord stem cell will have the same genetic failings that ended in that sickness to start with – so it won’t be the ultimate treatment for him.

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