Foods Supplements Used For Acne

20th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

One of the most common methods on how to prevent acne, is applying some type of cream on the face. Although this seems to work well, let’s not forget the health issues that can affect our skin from the inside. This is why we should consider various vitamins for acne.

The truth is that there are some acne medicines that need not be prescribed. They basically serve a supplements to keep the skin healthy. Read on and find out some vitamins for acne you could use.

Vitamin E Supplement

This basically ensures that the scars heal faster than normal. It may work well with acne and may even improve skin tone when ingested orally. It can be used orally as well as applied on the skin.

Vitamin C Supplement

You’ll find that lemon and orange are both vitamin C enriched. Another thing is that they are some of the most common things fruits for treating acne and acne scars. It keeps the skin looking fresh and healthy while boosting the immune system.

Vitamin D for Acne

Skin usually start to bloom when exposed to early morning sunlight. Try soaking up the skin for ten minutes every day to make your skin healthier.

The use of essential fatty acids

A theory states that acne is caused by a lack of essential fatty acids (EFA) in a person’s system. Although it is not proven, there really are positive effects caused by the use of EFA for the skin. EFA can be found in various food like fish and soybeans.

Zinc and Copper

Both zinc and copper are capable of speeding up skin regeneration. Add to that, they have the ability to boost up the immune system. However, zinc ingestion must be maintained within specific levels, otherwise it can be deadly.

Finding out how to prevent acne isn’t really a big chore. The difficult part is finding the right blend or brand that suits your skin. If you notice, most of those given are available in a healthy diet.

So what does this mean? That a good skin isn’t just about facial creams and toners. They are also affected by the nutrients that enter your body. You’ll also find out that frequent exercises produces positive effects for acne. With the amount of sweat one makes, the dirt is pushed out of the body allowing the pores to breathe freely. Those who have vices like drinking or smoking however are more likely to have acne.

Of course, don’t forget that hygiene is also important. Keep your face clean and don’t try to prick, pop or touch pimples. Test products first by applying them on a small patch of skin.

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Posted on: August 20, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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