Endodontic Treatment- It Might Just Be Good For You

16th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You don’t really have to worry a lot about endodontic treatment everyday. It’s crucial to realize though that there really are some clear indications that might give you a clue of your possible need for the procedure. Bear in mind that choosing to undergo the process under the care of a Melbourne dental professional can help keep you healthier.

The term endodontic or the field of endodontics may seem alien to you. This is most likely because you are more familiar with the popular term root canal treatment. This is the area of dentistry that gives special attention to the pulp. This is found underneath the crown, at the middle of the tooth and stretches down through the root canals.

There is usually no major issue about undergoing endodontic therapy. The pulp actually contains vessels, nerves and tissues that once played a role in nourishing young teeth. As a person matures however, this portion loses its major role because the supply of blood in the gums takes over the role of nourishment. Hence, there is nothing alarming about having pulp removed.

Not everyone needs to undergo the option. It is often recommended only for individuals who experience bacterial infection. This usually stems from severe cavities that have gone beyond the surface of the tooth, infecting the structures underneath. Since antibiotics alone cannot treat far beneath, the one other acceptable choice would be to undergo endodontic surgery.

You might suspect your need for endodontic treatment. Often though, the options should first be suggested by a qualified dental practitioner. As you are being diagnosed, you will be asked about the symptoms you might have encountered. Teeth sensitivity and some swelling are two common symptoms. Aside from symptom assessment, a visual exam may also have to be performed. A step above this is detailed examination through x-rays and through electric devices. In any case, a good dentist will be able to detect quickly if there are any major issues.

Tooth extraction can’t compare to the steps that have to be followed for endodontic treatment. It takes time and a great deal of skill to execute. After anesthesia has been provided to a patient, the crown needs to be lifted. This is what will allow the dentist to clean out the pulp from top to bottom. The cleaned portion then needs to be shaped for filling. Gutta percha, which is a little similar to rubber, is usually what is used to fill the cleaned area. Crown restoration can follow some time after the filling has been inserted.

Complications are a possibility for any patient. After all, a root canal procedure is still a form of surgical procedure. This means infection can be a possible complication. One other significant possible problem is damage to the tooth. This can happen if the root is not regularly shaped or positioned. A third possible issue is incomplete pulp cleaning. Pain and soreness may be symptoms of incomplete treatment.

You don’t have to imagine that you will eventually have to experience root canal treatment. If you do have symptoms though, choosing to disregard them can prove disastrous to your tooth. You may have to opt for tooth extraction. You might think that this isn’t such a bad thing but removing a tooth can lead to changes in the alignment of your teeth and in your bite. See a dentist Melbourne specialist now if you are experiencing symptoms.

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