Essential Pointers On Guilt Busting Techniques For Working Mums

31st July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As a working mum, you could be forgiven for feeling those pangs of guilt from time to time. Sometimes you feel that whatever you do, you are doing the wrong thing. If you have taken a decision to look after your children at home, you might feel that some people consider that you are not “pulling your weight” and contributing enough. If you decide to go back to work after childbirth, you feel guilty about that option as well and feel that some people are criticising you for not giving enough attention to your children. Surely, you can’t win? Understand that it is quite usual for you to feel lost and somewhat alone and you might like to consider professional coaching options. Thankfully, online coaching can help you focus on what is positive and what others in your position are doing and help you to prepare correctly for your life ahead.

If you have decided to resume a career or have decided to strike out on your own, establishing your own business, good for you! In either way, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with your decision and you need to realise this and be at peace. A working mum has everything to be thankful for and she should be confident that she is providing for her family and for herself, very well.

Whenever guilt arises, it can lead to confusion and this in turn can lead to negativity and depression. There is a danger that you do not know all the facts about your given situation. You need to reduce your stress levels by finding out all the facts and turning on all those lights in those darkened rooms in your head! By being informed in this way, you can assess all the risks and opportunities presented to you and form a highly educated view of the situation. Taking a concerted action and finding out all the facts will in turn give you internal strength and make you feel much better about your position.

It is important that you have positive people all around you, who will support you. Create distance between you and all those negative people and in fact it would be far better if you lost their contact details! By surrounding yourself with positive people in your support group, you will be able to turn to them with any issues or challenges, getting a lot of confidence from the positive feedback that they will give. This is not to say that you should delegate all the problem-solving to them, quite the opposite. This is definitely a two-way street and by contributing to the value of the group proactively, you’re on the right track. These days, online coaching can be another source of support for you to consider.

Remember to travel light when you are getting ready for your big challenge. Effectively, this means that you should clear out all the baggage around you that represents anything you could consider inappropriate. Create a very positive workspace all around you, which is very important if you are working from home, have your own business or are telecommuting. You will be amazed how much more positive and focused you feel, when you have a clear environment all around you.

Amanda Alexander, Director of Coaching Mums, helps pressure-cooked, stressed working mums who long for more hours in the day. Through her coaching programmes and online life coaching courses, Amanda shows mums how to create fulfilling and successful lives. For your simple 5 step guide to balance as a working mum, download our free eBook today!

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