Consume A Muffin On A Lifestyle Diet

30th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

All of us need to eat healthy to stay healthy. The way you look after yourself including what you eat has a direct impact on your health. And a balanced diet is what everyone should eat. You need carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins and minerals to have a balanced diet. But how much you eat of each is important.

By following the guidelines to healthy eating below, you will have a healthier life.

1) Have your meal daily : You need to plan your meals in advance. Your food should be balanced with an adequate proportion of nutrients. By skipping meals you can actually put on weight and your body will have too little energy. You need to have three meals and two additional snacks every day. Try to eat the meals and snacks at the same time every day.

2) Have A Variety Of Foods: You need to have different varieties of food every day. If you only eat a handful of foods, you body will not receive the amount of nutrients it needs.

3) Don’t Deny: Nothing should be banned from your diet unless you suffer from allergies or an intolerance. You will just want more of it. If you at a coffee shop and your friend orders a big sweet muffin, get one too. So long as you don’t have a muffin every day, you will not put on loads of weight or get ill. small portions of cakes, muffins or biscuits after a meal is fine.

4) Don’t Have Too Much Sugar: Try to avoid sweet foods as much as you can because it will negatively affect your energy levels. Opt instead for a high protein snack or some fruit. But remember, the rare muffin does no harm.

5) Drink sufficient water : When it comes to your health, water is important. You need to consume lots of water every day. Try to limit the amount of fruit juice and fizzy pop that you consume.

6) Avoid Bad Fats: Avoid eating high fat food such as butter, margarine, potato chips, fried food and junk food. They have high amount of fats and are not considered healthy for your heart. But there are some good fats like those in nuts or oily fish which should be eaten.

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Posted on: July 30, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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