I Think The Effect Of Distance Healing Can Be Much More Intense Through The Increased Focus Of Both The Practitioner And Receiver.

29th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Time and space are an illusion. I know this through distance healing. Since normally during a distance session the focus of both the practitioner and receiver is increased, I think the effect can be much more intense. In a lot of cases this might be the reason why distance healing is more powerful than direct healing. If you have had both, did your own experience prove this? Think about it. Learn lots more about wellness and distance healing right here: distance healing

The matrix of distance healing must be huge if you consider all the people who are attuned into the different systems. So what does this mean exactly? What this boils down to is that the morphic field that is surrounding it must be huge as well, increasing the potential of distance healing. Marketing strategies talk a lot about morphic fields.

A definition: when similar thoughts, ideas, and visions come together to create a frequency a morphic field is created. For marketers their advertising campaigns are apparently affected by this. It determines how well an advertising campaign will do.

I think the same thing is happening with distance healing, and will also determine how well it will work. This could be debated, but the way I see it is that this is a good reason why you should be attuned into one of the largest energy systems, regardless if you are the practitioner or receiver of the energy.

A system that has a huge morphic field is WhiteLight Self-Empowerment. WhiteLight Self-Empowerment and systems like it Matrix 7, become much more effective the more you practice them, because you are increasing the power within the field. If you think about this it is probably not enough, for effective distance healing, to just be attuned into a system, you must practice it all the time.

Yes, time and space are an illusion as is the illusion of being separate. Being connected also means we are all connected. True healing can begin when our intention to connect with each other exists. We also become one with the universe, which always has the power to heal you the moment you connect with it.

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Posted on: July 29, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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