Remove Acne Problem

29th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Acne is known by many names. Hormonal imbalance due to excess of testosterone in the body, excessive stress in daily life, improper dietary habits, monthly periods – these are just some of the reasons behind acne. Teenagers are susceptible but this problem affects all ages. Of course, exam stress, work stress, improper sleep patterns, improper diet pattern, bad lifestyle, monthly periods -there are wider range of causes that lead to this problem. It is worst in teenagers and comparatively less in people belonging to the other age groups. Or else avoid black heads or whiteheads will occur on the face. If not treated properly then you can get whiteheads or blackheads too.

Is your skin oily, dry or normal?

You should use soaps and face wash that are suited to your skin. Avoid excessive fragrances and opt for mild soaps Frequent cleansing of the face is very important to overcome the problem of acne. While selecting face wash, go for the gentle or mild soap which is without fragrance.

Face wash – Washing face for minimum 3 times a day is very important in acne treatment. It is only going to make things worse. Oil attracts dust and other impurities. While washing you can either splash water in it or use mild face wash which suits your skin type.

Keep separate towel for you. Washing your face similarly but using not aware that belongs to somebody else is only going to make things worse. After washing your face, make sure you use a clean towel set aside for your use.

Do not borrow towels. Do not use the same towel on a daily basis. It is a myth that chocolate and fried food gives you acne. Never wipe your face very hard. Improve your dietary habits and have lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Drinking lots of water is also beneficial for staying acne. However, it is wrong to say the chocolate and oily foods always lead to acne.

Eat healthy foods by changing your lifestyle and have lots of water, fresh fruits and vegetables. It is good for your skin if you consume these foodstuffs daily.

There are many don’t in case you have severe acne problem. If you apply medicine using your own hand or if you do not consider your skin type, chances are high that infection is only going to increase. Control your food, eat less oil, and avoid staying up late at night – all this will help. No late nights.

However, if the problem has covered your face or has lasted more than a month, you should take remedial action immediately. If the problem has covered your face or if it has lasted for more than a month, it is best to avoid home remedies.

The following website will give you more information:
Get rid of acne
Acne no more review

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Posted on: July 29, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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