The Cabbage Soup Diet Way And 10 Minute Trainer

25th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Looking for a great way to get rid of body fat and make sure that you don’t accumulate more of it in the long run? The cabbage soup diet is a way to do just that. Even though it sounds strange, it will get you results so that you’re feeling and looking great. If you want to know more, then read these facts.

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Fat is burnt – Crazy as it sounds, soup is a great way to get rid of fat. This happens because when you eat hot soup, the fat is burned away and as you continue to, you’ll lose weight. That is the reason that the cabbage soup diet has become so popular. Losing weight by eating more food sounds great, right? This is the promise that soup gives to everyone willing to give it a try.

Don’t eat alone – You’ll eat the soup along with other things each day. Just add the soup to what you already eat. So what you do is combine the soup with other food for a period of seven days and then take a break. By doing this diet, you’ll be able lose a few pounds each time you implement it into your routine. Just make sure you eat the soup on top of your regular diet so that you are getting all the food groups that your body needs.

Eat more – If you want to really lose weight, then you need to eat more of the soup for a week. You can lose as much as 15 pounds in a week if you eat other specific foods with the soup. This can include potatoes, some fruits, juices, other vegetables and meats such as beef.

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