Guides To Discover A Whiter Smile Without Losing Any Teeth

24th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Whenever anyone has a toothache, it used to be that the first thing that one would have to endure is having the tooth pulled out. These days though there are many other kinds of treatment available that means that we can hang on to our own teeth up until the very last moment. A Houston Dentist will have all the skills necessary to save even the stained and cracked teeth that are almost dead. In fact, Houston Dentistry is probably on the forefront of technology when it comes to making those bad teeth into healthy ones.

The first thing that people complain about when it comes to teeth is pain. The body has a cool way of showing up defects or disease and pain results. However, these days, teeth can be worked on to stop the pain and to retain natural teeth for many years more.

For example, those teeth that have been eaten away by decay can often be saved by replacing the damaged parts on top of it to give it a new biting or grinding edge. Teeth next to the crown are unaffected usually so the crown will only be applied to where the decay was. When the tooth has gone too far, and extraction is inevitable, then a titanium post is usually screwed directly into the jaw bone, through the gum, after which a false tooth can be screwed onto it. The fake tooth is color matched to the surrounding teeth to the point that no one can see where the false one is at all.

Even discolored teeth can be corrected with some wonderful new whitening treatments that have come to the fore these days. Many people suffer from yellowing or browning of the teeth and this makes them too shy to even laugh at jokes. However, these treatments cure the problem once and for all and with no need for injections!

Sometimes the yellowing is caused by over zealous cleaning of the teeth which usually leaves the teeth looking discolored. When this happens the teeth become translucent and the shadow from inside the mouth will show up the teeth as being bad or decayed. There is also a way to disguise this with veneers.

Veneers are thin slivers of porcelain or plastic which are placed over the discolored teeth by gluing them on. Again, they are color matched to surrounding teeth so that they are not noticeable and they are also used to correct the bottom edge of the teeth too.

It is obvious then that no one needs to have a discolored or unattractive smile anymore. Even new style braces are available that can be worn only at home which correct those teeth that stick out – but in private.

For those who are afraid of the cost involved in sorting out teeth problems, there are some insurance covers which subsidize medical insurance that is usually offered by employers which also cover family members too. For just a few cents per month, huge savings can be made on elective treatments making it even more economical.

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Posted on: July 24, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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