Building Muscle Fast Is An Easy Target to Achieve

24th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You can’t overeat your way to building muscle fast. Well DON’T believe it! The only thing eating in excess does is make you FAT! Those pounds on your bathroom scale are deceiving. Gaining weight quickly is easy and not impressive, gaining muscle fast is a whole different animal. Just look at the climbing obesity rate in America. Can you HONESTLY tell yourself that eating is going to help with building muscle fast? Although nutrition is still important, the MOST ESSENTIAL part of building muscle fast, without the extra bodyfat, is in the TRAINING!

So What Type of Training is Best for Building Muscle Fast?

Probably the very BEST way for building muscle fast (that is, without any consideration of appearance) is to push out higher repetitions at a lower weight. Since muscle fatigue is the goal here, you need shorter rest periods between sets. The amount of weight you lift really is NOT as important as this fatiguing principle. The end result of this type of training raises fluid levels in the muscles at a cellular level. For building muscle fast, there really is no better way. However, there ARE other factors to consider. This workout plan can give you a “beefy” look that is not exactly flattering.

What, then, is a person to do? Well, in order to achieve a more toned appearance, muscle DENSITY is the key.

Many of us nowadays aren’t into the “muscleman” appearance. Without the excess bulk, we simply want to build some lean, well-defined muscles. We’re more concerned with the “sexy celeb” look rather than creating girth. So, in order to obtain this appearance, we need what is called myofibrillar hypertrophy. Myofibrillar hypertrophy is the medical term for this kind of cellular muscle gain. The best technique for achieving it – less reps – about 2 to 4. Keep in mind that to see myofibrillar gain, optimal muscle TENSION is critical, not muscle fatigue. Increasing tension occurs when you increase your resting time from one set to the next. Incorporating maximum weights that you can safely handle, coupled with less reps, provides longer resting time.

For a better balanced blend of both SIZE and DEFINITION, the 5×5 training system is VERY effective!

For each muscle group worked, you will gain both fluid and fibers with this technique, which is completing five sets of 5 repetitions. This is an outstanding a simple way to insure larger muscles that look angular without taking on that “puffy” appearance. Keeping you muscle “guessing” is important, too. Try this. Lift 6 to 15 reps of lighter weight for about 3 months. Then, lift heavy, with 2 to 4 reps, for the next 3 months. A fantastic workout program, combining fluid vs. fibers gain. For the first two months, begin with higher reps and lower weights. The next two months are then committed to 5×5’s. The following two months are for heavy lifting of low reps. And there you have it – your HIGHLY EFFECTIVE “recipe” for building muscle fast!

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