Acne Wash: Why is it Important for a Perfect Skin Care Regimen?

23rd July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Nasty pimples, ugly acne marks, obdurate blackheads. Are you sick of all these skin troubles? All acne evils can be treated well only by using an effective acne wash. Acne washes are the specialized cleansers that can eliminate dead cells, dirt, bacteria and excess sebum that is dumped to your skin which can obstruct your pores and finally result in acne. Acne washes generally contain ingredients that are effective solutions for natural acne treatment as well as those that can clean your skin to prevent future breakouts. But the sort of acne washes you choose also influences the outcome of using it on your skin. Some acne washes which are generally chemical based and which dry out the skin excessively may sometimes lead to more harm rather than any improvement.

For a full acne treatment maintaining a perfect skin care routine is highly necessary. The first step of this starts with cleansing. As gentle acne washes can effectively treat your acne, the call for for highly costly and complex acne treatment surgeries and medications has become pointless now. Only if your skin is removed from all the dirt using an effective acne wash, it will be viable for any of the medications that are applied topically over the skin penetrates into it. But excessive cleansing can wipe out all the nutrients and sebum from your skin making it dull and dry, so it is suggested that you should wash your face using acne wash only twice a day, i.e once in morning and once in night.

Most of the acne wash available in the market are prepared from chemicals like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid etc which are effective in cleaning your skin but their extreme use can cause irritation for some. Salicylic acid is one of the lively elements most of the acne washes available now. Salicylic acid is a plant based chemical which is resourceful in exfoliating the skin, it will prevent the build up of dead cells and bacteria over the skin. Concentration of these chemical in most of the acne washes varies from 0.5% to 2%. Even though higher concentration of it is more effective, percentage of it more than 2% may severely dry out your skin.

When the concentration of chemicals like salicylic acid rise beyond the standard level in acne washes, most of its injurious effects are felt for people with dry skin. This can cause their skin greatly dry and flaking and thus worsen the acne. So the finest way to select acne wash is going for natural constituents based acne washes which are mild and non-irritant. Acne wash prepared from sea buckthorn oil as major element is a right choice to have for acne treatment, as it can clean your skin effectively without wiping out the valuable moisture and essential nutrients. Facedoctor is one such brand which manufacture sea buckthorn oil based acne treatment products which can effectively cure your acne.

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