Quinoa Nutrition Facts – Discover Just What You Have To Know About This Superfood

22nd July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You’ll have to be living under a rock to not have heard mention of Quinoa the super grain from South America. And with great reason as we will explore in this article about quinoa nutrition facts. Anyway, quinoa is pronounced KEEN-wah and was valued by the Inca in Peru. That’s not shocking since it sustained them for over 5000 years.

This grain is a complete protein which is one of the reasons why it has been used for such a very long time. It contains all essential amino acids our bodies need including lysine. In fact, quinoa has a great deal of this vital amino acid. The reason we need amino acids is that proteins are composed of them and your body needs them to make and maintain muscle tissue. At this time most of us get protein from meat and dairy foods. Only a handful of grains and some other plant based foods contain all the various types of protein blocks we need. That is why quinoa is deemed a super food and is also often called the mother grain.

Quinoa is also good for you because it is full of fiber and low in sodium and cholesterol. Quinoa is also full of Thiamin, Riboflavin, Folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, Niacine, Iron, Magnesium, Phosperous, and Manganese. All those nutrients make it a very healthful whole grain choice that also actually is low-calorie. It comes to no-ones surprise that it is now categorized as a super food.

Since quinoa grain is packed with healthy fiber and protein and low in fat at the same time, it is a great food to include into virtually any dieting program. You can prepare it instead of rice, potatoes, pasta and other white starches. It’s better for you and you won’t have to worry about sugar cravings later.

If you need to stick to gluten free foods, quinoa is your best friend. You can make anything from breads and puddings to risotto-like side dishes and even breakfast cereal (similar to oatmeal) out of it. It’s also tasty on salads and gives a plain old plate of lettuce and vegetables some extra texture and flavor.

But why would you want to eat it? Here are some of the benefits that speak for including this super food into your diet It can help remove dangerous free radicals from your body through the antioxidants that can be found it it and is also good for your heart. Lignans can also be found in quinoa which are said to protect your heart from damage and keep it strong. Last but not least, let’s not forget that it is also a whole grain food which I don’t have to tell you is an important part of a healthy diet.

Ready to make some delicious food with this ancient grain? Take this simple quinoa muffins recipe for example. Quinoa is also a gluten free grain, making it perfect for anybody living a gluten-free life style. As are these tasty gluten free oatmeal cookies you shouldn’t overlook.

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