Lucky Number 7 — In Order To Become Successful With The Lucky Number 7 You Must Learn The Difference Between Logical Mind And Pure Awareness.

21st July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Use Lucky number 7 to your advantage: I’ll give you a big tip. Understanding the true meaning of the lucky number 7 will help you to win every time. At that moment when the power of 7 is working in your life. you can not lose.

All well and good, but why exactly is 7 such a lucky number? Because 777 is Gods number, it symbolizes God, 7 is the power of God.

But it is found everywhere, not just in Christianity. In all the other major religions, 7 plays an important role. We can find 7 in everything from art, literature, and music, to our telephone numbers. What is the reason for this? More than 7 digits is hard for people to remember: we have to chunk groups of information in chunks of 7.

I could go on forever about the important, subliminal, and subconscious power of the Lucky number 7, but that would take too long.

To bring positive change in your life it is important for you to learn about a system that will attune you into the Lucky number 7, which will help you to use the power of it.

Matrix 7 is the system I am talking about, which uses the lucky number 7. You will be attuned, through Matrix 7, into the morphic field of the mystical number 7. Learn about lucky number 7, Matrix 7 right now: lucky number 7

What you have to understand is that Matrix 7 is everywhere. It surrounds us, it is deep within us, it is all that IS. We are so caught up with the daily business of the day that we are simply not aware of this.

It is the job of Matrix 7 to bring us back into the here and now, to bring us out of the Illusions our logical minds have created of past and future. So if you want to become successful with the Lucky number 7 first you must learn the differences between your logical mind and what you are as pure awareness, our TRUE SELF. Matrix 7 will teach you these important points.

With a few techniques that we would like to suggest to you, along with the connection you will make with Matrix 7, this will lead to a Quantum leap in your spiritual development, and suddenly more positive opportunities will be opened to you. Go and find out more about the lucky number 7 and Matrix 7 here right now: lucky number 7


Posted on: July 21, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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