Making Neuro Linguistic Programming Work In Your Life

19th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming is a way of exploring the connections between how we think, how we communicate both verbally and non-verbally and our patterns of behavior and emotions.NLP doesn?t help anyone or can?t improve a person?s life if it?s not being applied to anyone.NLP is first and foremost aimed at improving a person?s life, by allowing him to overcome negative subconscious limitations he or she is initially is unaware of.

Mapping out how the experience creates the ability that a person excels at is the underlying principle of modeling.Models may need to be tweaked and perfected time and again, until the desired results are achieved.After perfecting the model you can move on to another ability and go back time and again to old models.nlp course sydney

Maps is a concept of Neuro Linguistic Programming that everyone needs to know before NLP will make sense to them, as maps is defined as how a person uniquely views, sees, feels and experiences the world around him or her.Maps are not permanent, are not something you are born with, can be changed, created or deleted.Anyone can see a person?s map as the way a person lives his life is reflective of the person?s map of the world.

The most important thing to remember with Neuro Linguistic Programming is that everyone creates their own sets of maps and changing it or altering it is easy and possible.A person who can see the wrong in his or her own maps of the world and then change these is destined for greatness.Manipulating maps and depending on what, a person’s leadership skills could be improved, smoking habits gone and so forth.

In Neuro Linguistic Programming, there isn’t just one method of doing this but many more.To name a few of the other NLP methods these are Reframing, Swish, Anchoring, Six step reframe, Ecology and etc.The aim of this article is to look closely into a few of these techniques and see the basis for their application.nlp seminars

Anchoring is a common Neuro Linguistic Programming technique that reveals we constantly make anchors or associations between what we see, hear and feel and our emotional states.When senses are introduced during a very intense emotional state, a connection or association is formed between them.NLP studies show that it is possible to create and change anchors of any kind.

Making slight or major changes in the way a person perceives things can be called reframing, a technique in Neuro Linguistic Programming.Emotional states, behavioral patterns, attitudes can all go out the window when you change your perspectives.Psychotherapists that apply this technique usually flip the point of view from either a negative meaning to a positive meaning, a passive role to an active role and so forth.

Last but not the least, we take a look at the swish method of Neuro Linguistic Programming, which is a process that disrupts a thought that leads to a bad behavior with one that leads to a positive one.In this method, you relax, close your eyes and focus on a event that lead to negative effects for example in basketball taking that last second shot and missing it, then introducing an alternate reality wherein you actually do make the shot.The swish method can be used to help people excel in test situations, public speaking, sports performance, and help people deal with anxiety, depression and so forth.

We have just skimmed the surface of some NLP techniques and there are a lot more that needs to be covered.Neuro Linguistic Programming can be the answer to a lot of problems and disorders people face nowadays.Now enough reading and motivation, give NLP a try and the results should speak for themselves.

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