Win Your Ex Back – Powerful Tips You Can Use

13th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You are in the situation whereby you want your ex back. You have endlessly begged and pleaded with them to take you back, but nothing? But before you fall deeper in a state of depression and hopelessness, you have to know that there is a way to get your ex back in your life. There certainly is hope for you, even if it doesn’t seem that way.

This is a very emotional stage for you right now, so thinking clearly isn’t what you are doing right now. At this stage you have one huge advantage. This advantage is sooo simple, you know your ex very well. You know what they like and dislike, what makes them happy, sad and furious. So basically it would be much more difficult reuniting with this person if you knew nothing about them.

So here are three basic strategies you can use to win your ex back.

1. You Have To Love Yourself.

This is a messed up time for you, and you feel that your ex doesn’t love you anymore. Don’t be too hard on yourself now, you need to love yourself to restore your self-image. If your ex has rejected you, then it is very likely that you won’t be feeling very good about yourself. Now that you have the time on your hands spent it in a positive way to feel better about you.

You could do one or more of the following: Be positive at all times. Have a deep look at yourself, perhaps there are some things you want to change. Perhaps you can begin a new hobby. After spending so much time with your ex, you haven’t spent so much time with your friends and family, so give them all a call. Meet new people. Invest in a vacation. Buy some new clothes and have a mini-makeover.

So what happens is your ex will notice a difference and see another exciting and active person. Ultimately these things have to be done for yourself so you can feel better.

2. Cease all Communication and Contact.

It is quite strange, but more than often people will respond more or less the same to certain situations. Thus you must certainly stop calling them and try to set up meetings with them. You might wonder why you should do this. Remember, people always want what they can’t have. Thus they will start to wonder why you haven’t communicated and contacted them. Their real feelings will start to emerge again.

You see the important factor here is that your ex knows they can get you back very fast with no problems, however if you take this security they have away from them, they don’t have anything to stand on. Right so this will most certainly put you in a winning position.

So it is quite natural what happens next; they will be left in the dark. Start asking questions like: Has he/she totally forgotten about me? Have they met someone who is better than me? What is going on with him/her? So you see, they will go crazy with doubt. They were confident that you would take them back any second but now the game has changed and they are left feeling unsure of themselves.

3. Stay Calm and Collected.

The time will come when you see them again and this is where you have to come across as calm and content. They have to get the impression that you are content and happy with your life without them in it. Don’t push it too far and be rude, no be polite. So now you have paved the road to meet up with them some time in future and have them exactly where you want them.

These first three steps will set you in the right direction, for sure. Perhaps you don’t feel very confident and you need extra help on how to get your ex back, then make sure you visit us today so we can take you by the hand and help you.

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