Fast Weight Lose Diet

13th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Good foods and bad foods, this should be the classification on which to built a successful fast weight loss diet. A crash diet is not the solution, and before we go on with some food suggestions, we need to make some specifications about the risks and disadvantage of very restrictive diets. Many people believe that by reducing the amount of calories drastically, they manage to lose weight quickly. False!

With restrictive diets, the metabolism slows down, getting into a conservation mode that consumes only very few resources. Weight loss will does be totally insignificant, while the health threats increase dramatically. Poor immune function, sensitivity to diseases and anemia are some of the direst consequences of crash diets.

When you burn more calories than you consume, then you can call it a fast weight loss diet. This is when you actually get rid of fat. Physical activities are a must in support of the dietary program because sports burn the fat deposits. There are several elements you ought to find in a fast weight loss diet.

Lost of fruits and vegetables make the major ingredients because they provide essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that guarantee an optimal function of the body system. Low-fat dairy products such as milk, cottage cheese or yogurt come next on our list. Seeds and cereal are very useful as they contain fat acids that accelerate metabolism and prevent the oxidation processes at the cellular level.

Chicken and fishare the best meats you can have as part of a fast weight loss diet, but veal or beef make viable solutions too. It all depends on how you cook all these. It is pointless to count the calories per meal, and even if you do, it proves worthless if you do not consume them through physical exercises. Consume less than you burn! And you will achieve the right body shape!

The number of meals and the use of supplements could be other two issues for a loss weight fast diet. Yet, some people prefer to take pills that suppress hunger and thus they eat less. The body requires nutrients: eat small portions in four or five meals and you will feel in great shape and still burn fat. As for supplements, you should choose products that naturally improve digestion or promote body detoxification and thus serve for weight loss purposes better than by appetite suppression.

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