Treat Internal Hemorrhoids

13th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The hemorrhoids are treated initially to relieve the symptoms. The following options are available for getting relief from the internal hemorrhoids.

Sitz bath – In order to improve the blood circulation and reduce the swelling and pain in the affected part, you could take Sitz bath wherein you will sit in warm water covering your hips/ buttocks. This natural treatment for hemorrhoids is commonly used.

Ice Packs – For severe cases of hemorrhoids, ice packs can be applied in the anal area.

Apply hemorrhoidal cream, petroleum jelly, cortisone cream, and suppositories on the affected areas.

Wear loose clothing and cotton underwear.

Clean the anus with wet toilet paper after each bowel movement.

Pain killers – These are used only to reduce itchiness and pain; they do not heal hemorrhoids.

Enemas – normally acts as a bowel stimulant.Enema functions as a bowel stimulant.

OTC medications

Treatment of hemorrhoid using OTC medications is possible if it is in the early stages. The medications used for this are ointments, creams, laxatives, and petroleum jellies. The best known treatment is to use hemorrhoids cream that contain hydrocortisone and antiseptics.

The treatments carried out for internal hemorrhoids are as follows.

Rubber Band Ligation – This treatment is carried out at the outpatient department; this is useful for treating 2nd degree internal hemorrhoids. This treatment is normally executed in the outpatient section for treating 2nd degree internal hemorrhoids.

Injection Sclerotherapy – This warrants injection of a chemical solution into the mucous membrane situated near the hemorrhoid. This solution helps in inflammation and closure of the veins resulting in the hemorrhoid to shrink.

Infrared Photocoagulation – is useful for treating small/medium size hemorrhoids. Using an IR device, the surgeon applies IR heat on the hemorrhoids thereby coagulating the dilated veins. The coagulated blood vessels do not permit the blood flow thereby cutting the blood supply and so the hemorrhoids die.

Laser Coagulation – involves passing of an electric current through the hemorrhoids; this current causes a chemical reaction. This new technique results in stopping the blood supply to the hemorrhoids which in turn causes the hemorrhoids to shrink.

Hemorrhoidectomy – a surgical procedure. Groups of hemorrhoids in the anal canal are removed surgically by using a scalpel, laser or cautery device.

The above are just some ways to Hemorrhoids Treatment. Seek professional advice if you are going ahead with any of the above.

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Posted on: July 13, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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