Lucky Number 7 — 7 Will Not Only Bring You Luck It Can Change Your Life As Well.

7th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You will find lots of people using Lucky number 7 for gambling. It goes beyond just being a lucky number. This number can actually change your life entirely. Yes this lucky number 7 is also the mysterious and magical number 7.

7 is a great symbol used by sages and philosophers alike throughout the ages, which represents the great mystery, or the puzzle of life, or reality itself.

Lucky number 7 connects us to the other side of our nature to our true identity. As much as we are a physical body we are also consciousness. We are the observer. We are watching things change, but as consciousness, or pure awareness, we remain unchanged.

The un-dieing unchanging observer is what we are: our immortality is shown to us through the Lucky number 7. The lucky number 7 shows us that we are, as pure awareness, standing in a different dimension watching life and all of its episodes play-out right in front of us; yet as pure awareness in the end we remain unaffected by the outcome.

7 symbolizes an alternate dimension. It is a place beyond time and space where you will find unconditional love, inner peace, and the source of creation.

If you want to be connected to the power of the lucky number 7 what you should do is seriously look into Matrix 7. This highly focused energy system will properly attune you into the lucky and mystical number 7. It has the power to transform your life: positive changes. Learn more about lucky number 7 and Matrix 7 now: lucky number 7

Bring more focus, through Matrix 7, for positive changes into those areas of your life that are lacking luck.

The Lucky number 7 and Matrix 7 are inseparable twins. Not long after the Matrix 7 experience many people who have been attuned into this system have reported huge positive changes in their lives.

What you should do: get the Matrix 7 attunement now. This could be the greatest turning point in your life. You won’t be sorry! Learn more about lucky number 7 and Matrix 7 now: lucky number 7


Posted on: July 7, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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