Shower Head Filters Purify Toxins From Your Shower Water

4th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

People are looking for ways to relax and free themselves from the stressful day at home or at work.A long steamy bubble bath with great aroma and bubbles are only a few examples of comforting pleasures.On the contrary, did we know that waters e use might contain contaminants that are destructive to our body’s system?How is that so?

We know that running waters have some substances that may be harmful in our bodies including chlorine.Now, there is a solution to that dilemma.There is the introduction of shower head filters that filters running water, preventing chlorine and other harmful substances to flow in our body.This creation was due to numerous cases of harmful effects found out when chlorine was used to disinfect public water systems.A person inside the bathroom, when chlorine is evaporated with the hot water steam, inhales these substances.Moreover, hot water steam opens our skin pores and permits entry of these harmful chemicals in our body.

What help then can shower head filters offer to lessen chlorine in the water?Generally, shower head filters are installed in the head of shower heads to separate out chlorine from the water that flows through our bodies.These may not be seen however since the good effects of such are experienced in the long run.With a chlorine-free environment, our hair and skin will look great and our body will be free from contamination inside and out.

Shower heads filters have four types.Electrochemical filtering of water is done by KDF shower head filters, like the Berkey units.This type of filter changes chlorine into a harmless material such as chloride.KDF has properties of zinc and copper that prevents mold or fungus to build up inside the filter.Another type of shower head filter is the Magnates and Crystals. It softens the water using magnates and crystals.The simplest of all shower head filters is the Granular Activated Carbon.It uses carbon to blocks contaminants from flowing with the water.It then produces less toxic water for use.Chlorgon is the last type of shower head filters.It also changes the chlorine into a chloride similar to KDF. It is often useful in various temperatures.

In conclusion, shower head filters are the best way to leave our body fresh from impurities inside and out.Shower Head filters are mostly beneficial in our hair and skin since it gives out moisture.Our skin will become softer and moisturize.Therefore, maintaining a great-looking skin and body now is effort-free and cost less than before.

The water filters we use and highly recommend are called Berkey and are the best we are aware of. Plus, their shower filter removes the poisonous chemicals from your shower water. See more details now.

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