Diets Aren’t So Bad – Except For The Food!

5th September, 2008 - Posted by healthy - No Comments

Dieting and eating delicious but healthy meals is a lot harder than it should be. I suppose for people who enjoy cooking and trying out new healthy recipes it could be fun, but I’ve never really been into meal planning myself. I prefer to have everything planned out for me so I don’t have to think about it.

Restaurants make it easy – although many dieters might disagree because there are so many landmines to avoid when you eat out. They’re easy because you simply have to request what you want and the chef will usually comply. Even if the menu describes something slightly different, most of the time they’ll do it your way if you just ask.

For example, one of my favorite meals is at a restaurant that offers chicken any which way but plain. That’s easy enough to fix, though – just ask them to leave everything off and you end up with a healthy grilled chicken breast.

One thing I often do is stock up on frozen meals and use those whenever I’m at a loss for what to eat. Take a Lean Cuisine and add a salad (from a bag for convenience) and you’ve got yourself a decent meal. It’s not as good as preparing it yourself, but it’s a lot better than fast food. And you always have the good old turkey on whole wheat, again with bagged salad. It might be boring, but it’s pretty well balanced.


Posted on: September 5, 2008

Filed under: Nutrition

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