Hypnotherapy Treatment- Five Beliefs That Aren’t True

30th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are a lot of people who have happily undergone hypnotherapy Melbourne treatment. This makes it highly unfortunate that some people continue to believe in some false notions surrounding the procedure. Here are only some of the myths that need to be changed so more people can benefit from this form of therapy.

#1- Therapists control mental and physical reactions.

As the term suggests, this therapeutic option makes use of hypnosis. Popular culture has taught us that hypnotism typically involves losing control over one’s willpower. People under therapy however, generally do not have to worry about experiencing this. Hypnotic therapy puts a person in a changed state of consciousness that allows the person in therapy to access his subconscious. In this situation, an individual remains aware and in control of his thoughts and actions.

#2- Weak-minded people are the ones that can be controlled easiest.

A hypnotherapy session can be more easily performed when a person is more naturally susceptible to what other people say or suggest. Some understand this to mean that a hypnosis candidate should be mentally weak. This is not an accurate idea at all. In reality, there is a need for real mental strength to be able to concentrate on the prompts of a therapist. What you really need to successfully find solutions to your problems using hypnotherapy is the willingness to go through it.

#3- Hypnotists have special mental powers.

In comic books, cartoons and magical stories, those skilled in hypnosis are typically super powered beings. In the real world, regular people who are experts in their fields and who have had special training in hypnotherapy can perform the procedure. Aside from psychologists and counselors, these experts can also include medical practitioners. What is crucial in hypnotherapy treatment are special scripts or strategies. Hence, in the course of a session, therapists can incorporate symbols, stories and visual prompts.

#4- Only people with psychological problems can benefit from hypnotism.

Some people still believe that a lot of therapeutic approaches are only useful to people who are psychologically bothered. It is important to take note though that there are experts who even recommend against hypnotherapy if a subject suffers from psychosis. Hypnotherapy is really most effective in changing habits, attitudes and beliefs that are counterproductive or harmful. The treatment option can then be used for people with smoking problems, eating disorders and anxiety issues. Specialists can also use hypnotherapy treatment for people who suffer from insomnia, asthma and other illnesses.

#5- Anyone can opt for this kind of treatment.

It is true that the procedure is generally safe because it is a natural process. As mentioned though, any person considering this option needs to show genuine willingness to truly benefit from it. This means keeping an open mind and deciding to give full cooperation. The process may still fail in people who say they are willing but who continue to secretly harbor negative beliefs about this therapeutic procedure.

There are other misconceptions about this treatment choice. It is clear from these five major myths though that there is really nothing alarming or scary about going through a hypnotherapy session with a psychologist Melbourne practitioner. You might want to consider this option now if you want a good resolution to your problems.

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