Lucky Number 7 — And The Source Of Creation.

24th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Why is it lucky, this lucky number 7? I’ll let you know. Pick a number from 1 to 10, the first number that pops into your head I once asked my friend. And what a surprise: he picked the number 7.

I knew he would pick 7, so before he told me, I told him what the number was. Because it is the lucky number 7 he did not seem surprised that I knew the number he picked. He said every one picks that number because it is the lucky number 7.

I know this, he was totally right, because 99% of all people pick the number 7 when asked the same question. But why it is a lucky number, why it has such a sway over us, is a mystery to 99% of all people.

So why is this? Because lucky number 7 goes beyond luck. It symbolizes God. It represents what quantum physicists, sages, and philosophers refer to as: the great mystery! The mystery of life itself is what it represents. Get more info on the lucky number 7 right here: lucky number 7

Lucky number 7 suddenly becomes the mystical and inexplicable number 7. And through the energy system Matrix 7, it becomes the life transforming 7.

In mathematics 7 is the biggest mystery around. Why? Because it should simply not exist. Logical scientific minds will never be able to truly understand 7. A good example, 360 degrees: 7 can not be divided into the 360 degree circle, or circle of life, like all the other numbers can.

Outside our physical reality is where the lucky number 7 belongs. It represents total oneness, pure awareness. It is the source of creation, which is a place of perfection, of pure love, and good fortune. Outside the wheel of karma or circle of suffering the 7 stands.

These are some pretty good reasons why we all, even on a subconscious level, want to associate ourselves with the lucky number 7.

All the big religions know about the symbolic and subliminal power of 7. The Lucky number 7 is used in religion in its literature, art, and belief systems.

The Lucky number 7 is etched into the subconscious minds of billions of people all over the world, and so it becomes a symbol of luck. It creates one of the the largest morphic fields, (a morphic filed is an info field created by collective ideas and visions,) of hope, happiness, and love. Connect to the morphic field of the mystical 7 through Matrix 7. The number 7 is you. Want to learn more go here to systems like Matrix 7, lucky number 7: lucky number 7


Posted on: June 24, 2010

Filed under: Fitness Motivation

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