Your Autistic Kid

19th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You’ve just received the news that your child has been diagnosed with autism. You may not even know what that means and you will have to ask your doctor to clarify it to you. He or she will inform you that it’s a neurological condition that strikes children between the ages of 1 and three. Although some kids appear to develop normally up to a specific age, they frequently regress to the earlier years of development.

Kids with autistic tendencies are frequently withdraw from any forms of social interactions involving kids their own age, siblings, as well as parents. They appear to prefer their own company, and see no need for communication. They’ll be content to stare at an object for hours on end, and usually become quite fixated on that object. They’ve no desire to talk, even if the language was developed normally at an earlier age.

They will probably not react when you call them by name or try to interact with them. It is as if you’re invisible to them. They’ve no empathy for others, and in fact may see other individuals as objects. You will discover that the autistic youngster refuses to make eye contact with you or others. They may be inclined to making repetitive movements again and again, such as rocking back and forth. Specific phrases will seem to get stuck in their memory and you may find yourself hearing the same set of words all day long, if the child does speak.

Autistic kids in addition have no concept of what may place them at risk or in danger. Something like fire will do nothing to scare them or make them aware that it can harm them. In reality, they are often inclined to self injury, and appear to draw pleasure from harming themselves. Hitting one’s head consistently against the wall or the rails of the crib may have no effect on them. It’s just another symptoms of the condition. Parents are devastated at witnessing their child behave this way and are confused about what to do.

Your child may be completely passive one minute, and erupt into a shrieking temper outburst the next. You will not know what caused it, and in reality, it may have been nothing in particular. This really is just the way autism affects some kids. They can’t control their behavior and are not doing this on purpose. It’s frightening to you, as a parent, and can leave you feeling helpless. Medical intervention is often needed.

If you notice that your child isn’t behaving or developing at a normal rate, see a specialist. The sooner autism is treated the greater the chance is of your child being able to function normally. Physical therapy, speech and occupational programs have had positive results in the continuing treatment of autistic children. Assistance is available if you do not try to drive the problem aside.

Brent McNutt likes working with healthcare professionals. He also likes talking about urbane scrubs, landau shoes, and baby phat lab coat as well as writing articles about various topics. He also likes hiking, exercising, and camping with his family.

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Posted on: June 19, 2010

Filed under: Obesity

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