How Not To Cleanse Your System

12th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are certain things that a person should not include in their detox diet and certain things that should be included. There are often times a lot of items that a person must not eat and it is up to the specific cleansing plan to determine what those items are. Most cleansing plans have a group of items that should not be included and these are common to a lot of the plans. For some people the detox diet is the best way for them to lose the weight while still others can find the perfect program like to get into the shape that they want.
Call time on alcohol while you detox and give your liver and kidneys a break. There are toxins in the liquor and instead of cleaning out your body you are adding to it. When you are cleansing your body, you want to feel better, but too much beer will just make you feel worse. Give coffee and tea the cold shoulder, too and let your body adjust to existing without them. A person should be aware that things that are full of bubbles or fructose or one of the artificial sweeteners are not part of a healthy detox. Many threads on the biggest loser weight loss forum are dedicated to the need to eliminate alcohol when you are trying to get fit and trim and stay that way.

When you are trying to cleanse your system you need to avoid things made with flour as this can inhibit the process. Wheat contains gluten to which many of us are intolerant, causing a number of conditions, from skin complaints to Crohn’s disease. A good cleansing system that takes this out of the diet can relieve the symptoms that a person is dealing with because of this stuff. Flour is a big part of the way many people cook and to eliminate it is not easy, but the payoff can be big.

Naturally grown proteins are also on the list of things to skip. By eliminating meat you are making sure that your digestive system is able to work the most efficiently it can. Any types of meat can also be higher in calories and contain more fat than a person should be taking in.

When you’re shopping for a detox diet, leave ready meals, processed foods and sauces on the shelf. When companies make these meals they include a lot of extra things that will add more toxins to your body instead of getting rid of them. Foods that are grown, swum or flown is a good general rule of thumb when you are shopping. Cooking the food yourself is the best way to know exactly what has gone into the food that you are eating.

Avoid satisfying the cravings that you have for sweets and snack food. Skip the sugar, and trans-fats while you are at it. Without these you’ll not only help your body’s natural detox processes, but you’ll lose weight too.

The chilled section of your supermarket holds many of the foods banned during a detox. Dairy products should, generally speaking, be left off your list, with natural live yoghurt being the exception.

Every detox diet should also include some type of exercise. Even if a person finds thirty minutes a day to do a six pack ab exercise program they will still help their body lose weight by increasing their metabolism with the activity. Not exercising will reduce the effects of any detox program.
If you are planning a cleansing program it is a good thing to know what not to eat. People are very used to eating certain types of foods and any change can be hard, but once the change is made a person will discover that it is not nearly as hard as they thought it was.

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