The Benefits of Salt Lamps

29th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Salt lamps are generally used for health, emotional and spiritual causes for quite some time. A huge salt crystal, hollowed out to be able to position the candle or a light bulb inside talks about a salt lamp. Salt lamps can relax your nerves, providing you with a far more peaceful mind-set even at times of prayer or meditation.

There are scientific effects of salt lamps and not really thought to be enchanting or mystical. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the ions in the air we breathe have an impact on our emotional state and our mood. Salt tends to boost the negative ions in the air, causing us to be better and calm. (Just like when you spend a day at the beach, our feelings changes not merely due to the scenery and the water but because of a lot salt in the air also!) Nonetheless, one example is in contrast to having salty air, the hot dry winds known as Santa Ana winds often has effects on the southern part of California. There is an boost in irritability in people in this place when the winds are blowing, thus, leading to crimes and etc as what research has shown since it is concentrated with positive ions.

Thus, the benefit from salt lamps would be that the warming of the salt transmits negative ions to the air, counteracting the positive ions which our electronics usually emit, neutralizing our airspace and influencing the air we breathe, causing us to be more mellow, more happy, a lot more peaceful.

If having a calm mind, mind-set that is much less stress filled and being more happy features a positive effect in our physical wellness, then this goes to show that negative ionization helps make us more healthy. However, the cleaner, ionized air has also been connected at times to having a positive effect on individuals with asthma or allergies, who often find the air less difficult to breath and find their signs and symptoms relieved. Additionally, the stunning gleam that a salt lamp gives off constitutes a tranquilizing and calming environment as compared to a candle lit room on the other hand, this isn’t confirmed scientifically.

Several claim that after fashioning salt lamps, the salt crystals from the Himalayas are preferable to salt deposits in other places in the world. Possible reasons for this are that this area of the world has been mostly un-tampered with and uncontaminated, making the salt crystals a lot more pure, as well as easier on the eyes to see. Plus, care is taken when mining Himalayan salt never to use items like dynamite that may pollute the salt.

And of course, the benefit of salt lamps is not only their attractiveness, as well as the comforting effect they have is neither mystical nor magical. You may be more keen towards prayer and reflection by using up one, but that’s probably because it is improving the air you inhale, and increasing your emotional state along the way.

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Posted on: May 29, 2010

Filed under: Nutrition

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