Arranging The Best Bachelor Party In The World

28th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The Bachelor Party, similar to the best man wedding speech, is mostly a traditional part of a wedding. The classic reasoning for a bachelor party is to celebrate the Groom’s final night as a “free” guy. This reasoning can take on a whole spectrum of interpretations.  Make sure you are very clear on what the Groom expects when planning his bachelor party. You probably know him more than a lot of people, so if he’s the kind of guy that doesn’t particularly delight in strippers and keg stands, he probably won’t enjoy it any more now.

There are no set rules or traditions to adhere by when planning the activities for a bachelor party. Some guys prefer to get a myriad of strippers and drink insane amounts of alcohol, while others just want to go out with their buddies and watch football at the sports bar. Knowing what the groom expects and is alright with will help avoid any awkward results. If your Groom is a laid back kind of guy, you don’t want to hire squad of strippers.

Planning is important if you want to throw a great party. Check everyone’s calendar and pick a date that works for all the people you intend to invite. Do some research and find a good location. Bachelor parties can be held anywhere from a VIP room at a restaurant to renting out whole clubs. This will require a fair amount of time to book in advance, so do it as early as possible. Think about what kind of menu you want there to be and if there will be alcohol. People will need transportation home if there is drinking, so find a good way to get home safely. Make sure you set up a system where everyone chips in to pay for the party, because it’s not your responsibility alone. You want to make sure the Groom doesn’t have to pay for anything, so let your buddies know.

It’s getting more common to have a party that includes both the Bride and the Groom. If your Groom prefers to share the party with their Bride-to-be, don’t be offended. Bachelor parties can be pretty touchy subjects with brides, especially if you or your friends are reputed partiers. It can still be a great night out for the Groom, you, and his friends to celebrate his impending wedding.

As the big day approaches, make sure to get plenty of sleep and get ready, it’ll probably be a pretty long day. You are going to play a very special part in the Groom’s wedding as the Best Man, so be proud of that. This is one of the most defining moments in any person’s life, and you were picked to participate in it. There is no shame in bringing some tissues. Of course YOU aren’t going to cry, but the Groom’s mother might. So there is no harm in being prepared.

Remember to be genuine when you’re performing your best man speeches examples. This speech is the opportunity to show the Groom how much you value his friendship and that you wish him a long, beautiful life with his new Bride. Get up there and be natural and, who knows, maybe have a little fun. Your main priority is just to share with the audience the relationship you hold with the Groom, as well as speaking for the audience when you toast the couple and wish them well. Even if you mess up a little, the audience will appreciate all the effort you’ve put into writing your best man wedding speech. People stumble on speeches all the time, and there are people who are even more terrified of public speaking than you are. You’ve practiced and you’re ready, so go give an awesome speech.

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