Some Quick Remedies To Keep Yourself Energized

27th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

After infinite hours of work or studies, a good rest sounds like the best gift in the whole world. These are the nights when you feel grateful for not being an insomniac. although, there are also days when you wish to be insomniac. The times when you are just a nap away from missing a deadline or not completely prepared for an early morning examination the next day. At times you just can’t help it and you wish you could fix something between your eyelids. The sleep seems to be the instinct, that is impossible to resist. Many try several instant home- made recipes to send the sleep fairy away. The most widely used is either caffeine or nicotine. There are many addiction and medical issues with caffeine but tea is regarded as a better and healthier option. Organic ones such as organic herbal tea and organic oolong tea are the one’s recommended by the herbalists due to their medical advantages.

Not all the people might be comfortable with the idea of coffee and tea and for many it really doesn’t help. After all, it is also no use to waste your priceless time by the coffee or tea maker when you have work to do. Also, if you don’t have much work, there is also a disorder known as Hypersomnia. In this problem, a person might always feel dizzy and sleepy. Not just that a patient feels that way, a Hypersomniac doesn’t miss any chance to lay down his head on almost anything and take a stroll down the nap valley. Too much sleep is an indicator of slow metabolism perhaps. There are many ways to get rid of untimely sleep, here are just few of them.

Watch What You Eat: Almost all of our external and mental health depends on what we eat and the amount of food we eat. Eating too much can cause our body to lose a good amount of energy during the digestion. Therefore, over eating causes us to feel drowsy or exhausted. Similarly for food that requires much time to digest like food with higher fat quantity. Vitamins are excellent source of energy so add that in your food plan especially Vitamin D and Bs. Drinking a lot of water will keep your body energized.

Acupressure: If you wish to get rid of your fatigue and be alert for a while, try the age old acupressure therapy. Research have shown that tapping slightly at the top of your forehead and top of the back of your neck helps a lot in easing the fatigue down. Earlobes and area below the knee are also found to be good pressure points for this purpose.

Light up the Environment: Silent and undisturbed environment might be good for concentration but it can put you into peaceful sleep. Do ensure that light is always vibrant and you have a company to keep you entertained. Music can also be a an excellent stimulant.

Caffeine nap: Some people complain about caffeine not helping them at all. This is because it requires time. If you are unresistably sleepy have a cup of coffee and take a quick nap for 15 minutes. When you’ll wake up, the caffeine will start its work and you will feel more active.

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