Essential Ideas For Conquering The Five Surprising Time Management Myths

25th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Acclaimed author Stephen Covey told us that one of the seven habits of highly effective people is the ability to manage time correctly. No wonder there are so many misconceptions associated with time management as we all tend to look at the problem from different points of view. Some of the myths associated with time management are:

1. Assuming that there is plenty of time left and you will be able to put something off until later. This is never acceptable, as every block of time is equally valuable to you. ”Murphy’s Law” tends to strike whenever we put something off until later and it eats up all the time that we thought we could allocate. Always get something out of the way, if you have it scheduled.

2. Believing you can’t handle everything that you have to do. You may think that you are unable to handle everything that’s “on your plate,” while others may seem to breeze through this without a problem. The answer is that you are not prioritising correctly and must organise your time much more efficiently. Everything will fit in.

3. Being “so busy” that you should reallocate some of these tasks to another time. It is a fact of life that we all subconsciously tend to place an additional perceived value on the time “right now,” as we all tend to live in the present. In truth, each block of time available to you is of equal importance and you need to stop procrastinating.

4. Believing that we don’t have to do something now, as it is not important. Time management requires us to come up with a plan and to stick to it. Often, tasks may appear to be really trivial, but once your mind focuses on them, each task should be tackled and ticked off as you complete them, when such tasks are part of your scheduled and prepared plans for the day. Unless you do this, you just cannot be ultimately efficient.

5. Believing that you can never reschedule anything. This is not true either, as there will, from time to time, be reasons why you should reschedule. Additional information or external triggers could come to bear on the project that you are working with, necessitating a reschedule while you get information pertinent to the problem, or for any other variety of reasons. You can always reschedule, but not if you’re just procrastinating, believing that it’s not as important to finish this task as you originally thought, and so on.

At this point, online time management tools can really help you focus on achieving your time management objectives. Become one of these highly effective people by using time tracking software so that you are “on point.” Don’t believe any of those myths that you may hear. These days, time management software is a modern advantage to help you become very efficient on a daily basis. When Covey talked about those highly effective people, remember that the key word was “highly.” Don’t do anything by halves, and certainly don’t do it with the management of your time.

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