Where To Find Organic Hawaiian Kona Coffee Beans

21st May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Kona coffee beans, are probably the most superb and high-class coffee beans available. This specific coffee bean is produced on the hills of Mauna Loa and Mount Hualalai, inside the northern a part of Hawaii, in addition to many areas located on Oahu.

Buying fresh, gourmet Kona blend coffee ensures the best cup of coffee possible. Although Kona coffee is higher priced than other coffee blends, it is definitely worth the price. After all, everybody around the world purchases this specific kind of coffee. There are different growing conditions like sunny mornings and afternoons that have humidity and rain. Although this is beautiful, the coffee is always flavorful and different.

The fresh gourmet Kona coffee beans come from a tree in Brazil. In the 1800’s, Hawaii saw Samuel Reverend Ruggles bring the first try of it’s kind to the island. Discovering that the weather and soil in Hawaii produced great crops, farmers begin growing the beans on large plantations. Kona coffee beans are cultivated over an area that exceeds 2,300 acres, as per current estimates. Two million pounds of fresh, gourmet Kona coffee beans are produced every year, which is considered a highly successful crop.

Blooms of tiny white flowers known as Kona Snow appear every February and March. Then in early spring, small green berries pop up which by mid-summer, have turned to red fruit, which look similar to ripe cherries. It is a right time for the “fruit” to be harvested. Hand-picked beans are the thing that makes Kona coffee so decedant.

Twenty four hours after the fruit is collected, it is run through a machine that makes sure the bean is separate from the pulp. This is followed by carefully-controlled fermentation of the beans, for 12 hours at lower elevations and for 24 hours at higher elevations. After rinsing, the beans are spread out on a type of drying rack to dry out completely, which usually takes one to two weeks. The dry beans are then stored on parchment. You’ll need eight pounds of fruit to make one fresh pound of Kona gourmet coffee.

Knowing the categorization of coffee beans is significant while choosing fresh gourmet Kona coffee. For example, Type I contains two beans for each cherry or fruit, one edge is flat and the other edge is oval. You will find Type II beans in fruit such as cherries. After that, the beans undergo further grading based on several criteria, including size, type, bean moisture levels and purity. A better version of the Kona bean is evident when purchasing gourmet Kona coffee. So to insure you get the very best cup of coffee possible always try to obtain the kona bean and brew the coffee in a French press coffee maker.

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