Give To Succeed

14th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Charity is the key element in most religions, especially the six major world religions. The Bible talks about charity numerous times in the New Testament and offerings even more often in the Old Testament. Islam’s sacred writing mentions the term charity throughout the Quran, especially in its first and longest Surah, The Cow. Though the word charity isn’t used in Hindu writings, the premise of giving and aiding others is prevalent within the Rig Veda, Thirukkural, Bhagawad Gita, and other writings. Concerning charity in Buddhism, H.H. The Dalai Lama has stated, “… from the time of Buddha until today all forms of Buddhism have been continuously trying to help people, whether in social groups or individually … The freedom and happiness of all living beings have always been the ultimate ideal and the working goal.” The sixth major world religion is Skihism, which carries a synthesized belief system from Islam and Hinduism.

Additionally, the Bible’s Old Testament has several references to the word “sevenfold” and the phrase “seven times”, stating that what you put out through your actions (energy) comes back to you seven times stronger.

It’s the way the universe works. It’s a fundamental part of our lives. When you seek success in anything, you tend to focus totally on the goal and the process of getting there. That’s a problem. The more you chase after your own goals and pursue your self-interest, the more they elude you. When only focus on doing for yourself, you are off your purpose.

What you have inside you, you radiate. What you give off, you attract to you. If you’re focusing on your own self-interests, it’s the same as being greedy. You’re only concerned with receiving, which means you don’t give. If you don’t give, the universe doesn’t give back to you. When you give freely with the sole purpose of helping others without concern for what you’ll receive in return, then the universe gives back to you in greater amounts. It’s as simple as that. That realization is the start of a new spirituality for you

You attract what you give, what’s inside of you. If you give love, respect and empowerment, the universe returns what you radiate sevenfold. If you give of yourself in time and money, the universe returns your giving sevenfold.

Tammy is a single parent, who was having trouble making ends meet. She had been let go from her job and received no child support. Jobs were scarce and the rent was coming due. No matter what she did, she seemed to fail. Her situation gets worse the more she scrimped and worried. One day while visiting and keeping her mother company, they watched the 700 Club. There were a couple families on the show telling about how they were having serious financial problems. The people had seen the 700 Club’s message about giving. Needless to say, Tammy decided to give ten percent of the little she had to the 700 Club’s Operation Blessing and begin cherishing what she and her children had, rather than focusing on what they didn’t have. Less than a week after giving to the charity, she found a job, allowing her to keep her apartment. She continued to give ten percent of her salary, regardless of her needs, and the universe continued to give to her in abundance. She now owns her own business and just purchased a new home. We have heard stories like Tammy’s many times. In each case, with they experience this spiritual awakening, the people take the focus off themselves and their problems, give only for the purpose of giving and helping others, and receive sevenfold for their gift to the universe.

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