Topical Fat Loss

14th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Gels, creams and lotions are often believed to cause topical fat loss, which may become an alternative to liposuction. The fat deposits beneath the skin can be eliminated individually if the skincare products can reach them efficiently when massaged into the dermis. Ingredients like aminophylline, forskolin, DMAE and diiodol-thyronine are used by most companies that manufacture products for topical weight loss.

When these chemicals come into contact with the fat cells, the adipose layers will dissolve. You could worry about the look of the skin after the treatment, although topical fat loss supporters claim that the tissues remain soft, smooth and healthy. Creams for topical fat loss are very expensive but lots of people are willing to try them.

As for the actual efficiency of topical fat loss, it’s hard to put an end to all the debates. Manufacturers usually target women, because they are the keenest on beauty, youth and a slender body. The treatments seem to work well, but critics claim that the apparent elimination of the adipose tissues is in fact a reduction in fluids or water loss. Another main issue that questions the efficiency of topical fat loss products is the absorption of the substances in the skin.

Normally, the metabolism of the chemicals should take place in the blood stream when passing through the skin layers. Therefore, there are low chances for topical fat loss to work as product manufacturers claim. Despite these controversial issues, gels, lotions and creams designed for topical fat loss products sell very well. They could be expensive, but at least they do not pose the risk of physical traumas that accompany liposuction or some surgical procedure for example. Fat loss thus continues to be a big money maker for skincare companies worldwide.

If you want to try topical fat loss, make sure to choose brands with a good reputation. They may be a bit pricier, but they are safe and have a good refund policy. Shop carefully, read the list of ingredients, check reviews and then pay! If you are careful with the products you buy, you won’t develop dermatological problems deriving from topical fat loss.

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