Panic Away – The Fear of Flying

13th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many struggle with getting into an airplane. My girlfriend was paralyzed with fear when she knew she had to go on a flight across the country with her husband and 3 children. She didn’t tell her family this, only me. What was her biggest fear? … FEAR! Panic Away could help her with this.

Fear of the plane going down, fear that the pilot may be too tired, fear that they might run out of gas, fear of terrorism, fear of the weather, fear of turbulence…the list was unending. All of these thoughts made her feel have a lot of anxiety and she found it very difficult to control her feelings. She had to leave in 45 minutes for the airport… so remembering from the Panic Away program their One Move technique I simply showed her what to do and in just a few minutes I could see her fear start to disappear. What a delight! She felt it too and when she started to calm down, instead of her panic she actually started getting excited for the adventure instead!

The fear monster is just that a monster that can interrupt and ruin your life. You go ahead, tell FEAR to zip it and get the control back in your life. I was so excited that she got on that plane and is now having a blast on her trip, but what about the millions of others who would cancel their trip altogether and let anxiety stop all their fun?

Life is short, I truly believe that we should live it to the fullest. TODAY is a great day to finally stop the cycle of anxiety and panic attacks. Panic Away was carefully created by a former anxiety sufferer and it has literally helped thousands to break free from the bondage of anxiety. Conquer your anxiety attacks and your future will begin to look bright!

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