Bringing Original Romanian Food Recipes

8th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In general, Romanians like eating different palatable types of food. Here you can find authentic Romanian food recipes, which are often cooked on crucial occasions, or sometimes are even cooked without any occasion too! You’ll find out 2 recipes : typical cheese ball and cabbage rolls.

You know ; when they have to eat something nice, Romanians don’t lose time, so let us begin with the cheese ball, which can frequently be found in the list of any authentic Romanian recipes books. This dish is prepared in about sixty minutes. The ingredients required are 350 grams corn flour, half little spoon of salt, one litre and a 0.5 water, for a corn flour sauce. Then, for the stuff, you want four eggs, 50 grams of butter, and 300 g of cheese, ideally 2 different kinds. Here we’ve got to mention that the best kinds of cheese for this dish are bellows cheese ( branza de burduf ) and a form of salted cheese called “telemea”. First, you’ve got to cook a quite soft corn flour sauce and boil the eggs. Meanwhile, you’ve got to have available an earthen pot, which is an expression of authentic Romanian recipes. So as to get the finest final result you have got to keep this pot in cold water for 15 mins, and then rub it with lots of butter, so that the cheese ball won’t stick to the pot.

When the corn flour sauce is prepared, you can pour athird of it into the pot, and put on its top the bellows cheese after you’ve flaked it employing a fork, a little butter ( about one little spoon ) and 2 halves of eggs. Then cover it with another 3rd of corn flour sauce, and then put the salted cheese on it, along with the other 2 eggs and lastly the last layer of corn flour sauce. To keep on, cabbage rolls are famous too in the list of authentic Romanian recipes. It’s right that it can take you about half hour to prepare them, and if you want cook them in the cooker, you can spend with them an hour and a half. The ingredients you want are one kilo mince, 2 medium sized onions, a handful of verdure, two hundred grams rice, 2 spoons tomato paste, one little spoon of salt, half a little spoon of pepper, 2 leaves of laurel, one hot pepper, medium sized sauerkraut ( which you should keep in water to make it release salt, 2 hours before ). You may also use raw cabbage, but you have got to scald it first. So far as appliances are concerned you need particular kitchen implements and a Romanian earthen pot.

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